Teaching the Common Core: Debate Continues
Alice Mercer
Today’s InterACT guest blog post comes to us from Alice Mercer, an elementary school teacher, educational technology guru, and blogger. Here’s a link to her other InterACT guest posts at InterACT, including a prior post about Common Core implementation challenges.The following is an excerpt cross-posted from Alice’s blog, Reflections on Teaching. Her post is a welcome addition to an ongoing debate about how teachers should respond to the Common Core State Standards transition that is taking place in most states. I want to thank Alice for allowing this cross-post, and for linking to many of the other blogs that have been weighing in with strong opinions and multiple perspectives on this important issue. – DBC
Idealism vs. the Probable and Possible
Larry Ferlazzo
Fellow Sacramento teacher (and friend), Larry Ferlazzo, asked me to help him out by contributing to an article at EdWeek on “implementing Common Core”. Little did I know the minefield I was stepping into. The article has morphed into a fight between the “agnostics” (Common Core skeptics like myself and Larry), and the atheists