PAA’s Karran Harper Royal will be part of the Journey for Justice webinar
Join the Journey for Justice!
by pureparents
Please Join Us as We Work to Send Parents and Students To Testify!
Attend the Save Our Schools Webinar and Fundraiser - Journey For Justice 2
Education Organizers Jitu Brown, Karran Harper Royal, and Zakiyah Ansari
On the birthdate of the honorable Civil Rights Leader, Doctor Martin Luther King
- Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:30 PM Eastern Time [ET]
The time is now! If we are to stop school closings nationwide, we must acknowledge that our demands too often went unheeded. We can “command” consideration when we speak in a manner that can be “heard.” It is for this reason that a growing alliance of Grass-roots Community, Youth and Parent driven organizations successfully petitioned the Department of Education in November 2012.
The intent is to convene a hearing working with the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Tim Tuten, Director of Community Partnerships for the U.S. Department of Education. Scheduled for January 29th 2013, the alliance of parents and community leaders from Chicago, New Orleans, Oakland, Los Angeles, Boston, New York City, Baltimore, Dallas, Atlanta, District of Columbia, Detroit, Philadelphia, Wichita, Newark, Wilmington, Delaware, Kansas City and Eureka Mississippi will gather together to talk and truly listen.
History teaches us that when we Journey For Justice peaceably progress comes.
It is in this vein that a coalition of Grassroots Community, Youth and Parent driven organizations will travel by bus to testify, as their Journey For Justice predecessors did decades before them. Parents and persons from the communities affected will speak at the inquiry. J4J2 is asking for donations here to help defray the cost of their travel,
The Civil Rights Impact of School Closings, Turnarounds, Phase-outs and Co-locations Hearing will focus on “The ways in which these programs devastate communities of color.” The inquiry will be held on January 29th in Washington D.C..
Through this Webinar, organizers who are Leaders in their Communities, Jitu, Zakiyah, and Karran, will discuss the upcoming Department of Education Civil Rights Division Hearing.
Please Join Jitu Brown, of the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, Chicago, Illinois, Zakiyah Ansari,NYC Coalition for Educational Justice, New York, New York, and Karran Harper-Royal, Parents Across America, New Orleans, Louisiana for a Save Our Schools hosted Webinar.
In honor of the great Civil Rights Leader, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior the Journey For Justice 2 webinar will be on held on Tuesday evening, January 15th from 8:30-10:o PM Eastern Standard Time [EST]
Fundraising will be our focus throughout the day. Please contribute to the cause. Help us support the parents and community members who will journey to testify at the hearing.
Together, we can change the conversation, preserve and transform public education for all. Let us end discrimination and disproportionality.
REGISTER HERE for the Journey for Justice Webinar.