new years resolutions for parents of 2008 birthday children
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2012 AT 10:14AM
1. Don't panic. There is no need and people who panic drown. Stay calm and centered and when "that mom" at the playground tells you that you are screwed because you didn't do this-and-such or didn't get into "the" school. Drop her. She is trouble and she is not correct, and your poor spouse will have to spend a week talking you down, when you should have been laughing with your child.
2. Tour. Even though it is universally known among your neighbors that your zone school is a "disaster" - tour. A lot of this is rumor. Many of these parents that speak with conviction have not toured or attended the schools. You need a baseline. You may find that your school has more things to love than not. Before you go watch this awesome video by
3. Support the people that support you. Send a check to your school's PTA AND (the awesome non-profit that will support you in public school for the