Obama Puts Education Center-Stage

As I enter my senior year in the public school system, I have grown to learn and appreciate the education I have recieved, from my kindergarten teacher to my seven teachers in high school and countless mentors I have today. The nation's leaders say that America is falling behind on a world wide stage when it comes to our technology, mathematics, medicine and science. The foundations of our country is built on good education and I believe that the candidates running for President of the United States need to put education on the top of their radar.
Education has taken a backseat in this election, but the fact that President Barack Obama devoted so much time on it in his Democratic National Convention Speech on Thursday now makes it a bigger issue. The standards of No Child Left Behind make no sense to me -- how 99 percent of students somehow can reach a standard that is set so high is mind-boggling.
"Life is not a multiple choice test," said Anne Pasco, a mentor of mine and the Blended Learning