Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!
Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters today
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The Pineapple and the Hare: Pearson's absurd, nonsensical ELA exam, recycled endlessly throughout country - There was a ridiculous passage on Tuesday’s 8th grade NY State ELA exam about a Pineapple and a Hare, along with some equally absurd questions. Here is a comment about the passage from a student: ...

Commissioner King Statement on The Hare and the Pineapple - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 20, 2012For More Information Contact: Tom Dunn, Jonathan Burman or Jane Briggs (518) STATEMENT FROM EDUCATION COMMISSIONER JOHN B. KING ON THE HARE...

Daniel Pinkwater on Pineapple Exam: ‘Nonsense on Top of Nonsense - Metropolis - By Lisa FleisherKathy McLaughlin A 2005 photo of Daniel Pinkwater with his dogs in Hyde Park, N.Y.Eighth-graders who thought a passage about a pineapple and a hare on New York state tests this week...

Don’t Let Any “Education Reform” Compromise Sweep the Illegal Activities and Arrogance Under the Rug - Apr 20 jonpeltoAchievement First/ConnCAN, Charter Schools, Education, Malloy, Michelle Rhee, Stefan Pryor, StudentsFirst Adamowski, Education Reform, Malloy, Stefan Pryor Various Connecticut news o...

Oconomowoc students react to news of teacher layoffs - Oconomowoc High School students wore special shirts with the message "We love our teachers" to school on Friday after news that 15 teachers received layoff notices this week. While the district is ...

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EducationSee all
Get rid of the 3 p.m. school day - School hours in the United States were developed during the 19th century, in part to allow students to help their families with farm work in the afternoon. We are no longer an agrarian economy, but...

Quick Study - About 60 college students rallied at the state Capitol Thursday evening to support education reform as part of a national non-profit group called Students for Education Reform.When Michael Daley wa...

NYS educators agree: Flawed, confusing and misleading ELA exams - This week, NY students in grades 3-8 are in the midst of taking lengthy ELA exams, which in NYC, will help determine whether they will be held back, and what schools they will attend in the future,...

SocietySee all
- Wait, What? - Apr 20 jonpeltoEducation, Malloy, Stefan Pryor Education Reform, Malloy, Stefan Pryor Now we know why Governor Malloy is demanding that the “Commissioner’s Network” schools be exempt from having to...

Controversial Policy Group Casts Long K-12 Shadow - Published Online: April 20, 2012In nearly 40 years of legislative advocacy, the American Legislative Exchange Council—a free-market, limited-government group now drawing intense scrutiny for its su...

Vatican Reprimands U.S. Nuns Group - The Vatican has appointed an American bishop to rein in the largest and most influential group of Catholic nuns in the United States, saying that an investigation found that the group has “serious ...

PoliticsSee all
"Underfunded": Let's kill this poisonous euphemism - Let's stop referring to state financial obligations as "underfunded" things. The media loads our brains with euphemisms. "Collateral damage." "Mistakes were made." "We must look to the present prob...

Dare the council stand up to autocrat Rahm? - "We've debated this long enough. I'm not in the position of analysis. I'm in the position of getting things done." -- Rahm to his council Scientists have discovered signs of life in Chicago's city...

Gov. Quinn wants Medicaid cuts, $1-per-pack cigarette-tax hike - Chicago Sun - Gov. Pat Quinn offered a plan Thursday that would toss about 215,000 people off Medicaid, raise cigarette taxes by $1 a pack and cut payments to doctors and hospitals in an effort to close a $2.7 b...

StoriesSee all

Talking pineapple question on state exam stumps ... everyone! - Alex Cao/Getty Images Do you need ears of corn to hear a talking pineapple? Maybe testing company Pearson has the answer. Students across the state are still scratching their heads over an absurd t...

"Pineapple" Question On State English Exam Mystifies Many City Students - Updated 04/19/2012 11:18 PM To view our videos, you need toenable JavaScript. Learn how.install Adobe Flash 9 or above. Install now. Then come back here and refresh the page. The State English ex...

YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID « Teachers Fight Back - YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID « Teachers Fight Back: YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID by alkleen Teachers, principals, administrators, aides, and any adult associated with a school. How many times do I h...

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Bail Hearing This Morning for Gunman in Martin Shooting - SANFORD, Fla. — A bail hearing began on Friday morning for George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who was arrested last week on second-degree murder charges in the shooting death of Tra...

Missouri Teacher Forced 6-Year-Old To Sit In Her Diarrhea - Lisa Skidmore, mother of a kindergarten student at Southwest School in Washburn, Mo., is outraged after her daughter's teacher forced her to wrap a trash bag around herself and sit in her own diarr...

Tragic Double-Slaying in Las Vegas Family - Published at 12:15 pm EST, April 20, 2012 This Monday when a 9-year-old arrived at school in the morning he told his teachers that his father had killed both his mother and older sister that very m...

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Headlines April 20, 2012 Whole Show | First Story > - Levon Helm has died at the age 71 after a battle with cancer. He was a drummer and singer in Bob Dylan’s backup band, which later became the legendary musical group known simply as "The Band." Levo...

‘Pineapple’ test question scrapped for media attenion | GothamSchools - ‘Pineapple’ test question scrapped for media attenion | GothamSchools: ‘Pineapple’ test question scrapped for media attenion by Geoff Decker State education officials said this afte...

Weed aficionados celebrate '420' with music, marijuana discounts - People across Southern California will celebrate what they consider an important holiday Friday by getting comfortable on a couch or finding a nice forest before entering a state of deep relaxation...

#ctedreformSee all
- Wait, What? - Apr 20 jonpeltoEducation, Malloy, Stefan Pryor Education Reform, Malloy, Stefan Pryor Now we know why Governor Malloy is demanding that the “Commissioner’s Network” schools be exempt from having to...

Big Education Ape: 4-20-12 AM More calls for civility EDition #SOSCHAT #CTEDREFORM - Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!:Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters todayNext update in about 11 hours See all articles HEADLINES EDUCATION SOCIETY POLITICS STO...