Thompson: Schools And Racial Profiling
One thing that the latest tragedy and the "school to prison pipeline" have in common, however, is that solutions to both can be found in the classroom.I would like to join with Jose Vilson, whose "Trayvon Martin and the Implication for Teacher Perceptions of Students," in the Huffington Post, affirms that, "Teachers can play a critical role in the move towards racial consciousness and, yes, harmony." Vilson explains why teachers must listen to our students, and why we must find time in class for conversations that address our cultural perceptions and misperceptions.
The following is an example of one such conversation that I was privileged to witness. Pat McGuigan, who was
Bruno: More "Divide And Conquer," Please
Hess illustrates the idea by describing why veteran teachers drive union opposition to compensation and seniority reform when those things might be to the benefit of less-veteran members. As it happens, that's the sort of difficulty Sun-Tzu addressed directly in The Art of War: "If [your enemy's] forces are united, separate them." And this raises the question - at least in my mind - of why reformers haven't adopted a divide-and-conquer strategy more frequently.
The overall merits of the particular reform aside, if it's true that younger teachers would be more open to, say,
Research: FLA & Hawaii Not Meeting Race Expectations
The big headline is that two states -- Hawaii and Florida -- were found not to be meeting expectations. Not New York.
Click below for the talking points.
Other findings:
- Race to the Top has advanced the reform agenda. We found that all the states that received a grant are now piloting or implementing a new teacher evaluation system.
- While progress is uneven, many states are largely on track with their Race to the Top commitments, making strong progress and meeting many of their initial promises. Under our evaluation rubric, most of the states appear to be meeting expectations.
- Every state has delayed some part of their grant implementation, and some observers worry about