More on the Characteristics of Students Entering IDEA Charter Schools
Below is more data on the characteristics of 5th grade public school students (2009-10 school year) entering IDEA charter schools and public schools in the 6th grade (2010-11 school year).
Table 1 examines the number and percentage of students enrolled public schools in the IDEA Charter market area in the 5th grade in 2010 that subsequently enrolled in the 6th grade in either an IDEA Charter School or a Public School within the IDEA Charter School market area by whether or not the student passed the TAKS mathematics test. Of the original 4,658 students enrolled in the 5th grade in public schools, 83.5% had passed the mathematics test. Since the majority of the students entered public schools in the 6th grade, the percentage of students enrolled in public schools in the 6th grade that passed the 5th grade mathematics TAKS was also