Boomerang kids moving back home with parents
Sunday, October 16, 2011
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Family photos line the wall of the home where Mandy Durkin, 27, grew up and has now returned to live with her parents.
Danny Guo came marching home two years ago as a corporal from the U.S. Marine Corps, thinking the country he served would be a land of instant job opportunity.
He was a radio operator. Plenty of work in that field, he thought. Recession-battered employers thought otherwise.
After hoofing the pavement for dozens of interviews that left him the choice of flipping burgers or filing papers, he did what more young people are doing now than at any time since the 1950s: He moved back in with his parents.
It seems the old saying, "There's no place like home," is ringing truer than ever.
Now, at 23 years old, Guo is changing his career goal to interior design - grateful that his old bedroom in
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