Occupy Education Blogger March Day of Action N17 #occupyeduN17
Please join us by making your voice heard! Today’s blogger march in solidarity with the direct action around the world is meant to help amplify our voice and those of other teachers, parents and students. From Portland to Wall St to Munich to Madrid, students, parents and teachers are marching for a better world for our children and our community. Make your stories and visions public today.
Here are a few ways you can add your voice to the blogger march today and for the rest of the weekend:
1. Submit an Occupy Education picture and tell the world why and how you are Occupying Education! www.occupyedu.tumblr.com/submit
2. Write a blog post and post it in the comments below:
Topic ideas:
- Reclaiming Our Voice In Education!
- Student Voice
- What kind of learning environment do you want for yourself, your students, or your children?
- How do we put the public back in Public School?
- How do we provide space for democracy in the classroom?
- Is school an environment for democracy?
Or anything you feel relates to education and the occupy movement?
Submit the links below or email them to Coopcatalyst@gmail.com Please use the hash tag #occupyeduN17
3. Tweet or facebook status : I Occupy Education today for___________#occupyeduN17
Include one vision for a transformed education system or something you believe needs to change to help teachers, students, and parents reclaim their voice in education!
4. Occupy Your Classroom: Here are some ideas:
Hold a GA in your classroom today, discuss protesting, discuss democracy, discuss the Occupy movement, lets students voice on the lesson plan, close the textbook, push the desk out of the way, go outside, no tests, talk or do community service…..
Please join us any way you can, and be public about it. Share with us your voices! Share with us your stories! Share with us your visions of a transformed education system!