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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Volunteer needs for April 4 Rally,”From Memphis to Madison — Honor History, Make History” | Defend Wisconsin #wiunion

Volunteer needs for April 4 Rally,”From Memphis to Madison — Honor History, Make History” | Defend Wisconsin

Volunteer needs for April 4 Rally,”From Memphis to Madison — Honor History, Make History”

Volunteer Organizers: Throughout the week prior to the event, these volunteers will work to recruit people to fill the other volunteer roles. Volunteer Organizers will work to activate people from their organizations and networks to fill other volunteer spots for the rally.

Rally Marshalls: During the event, these volunteers will ensure a safe, well-managed crowd, will answer questions, and will direct people where they need to go. Rally Marshalls will gather with a team lead at 3 PM on the day of the event at 122 Carroll Street in the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center. We need 150-200 of these.

Clipboarding Organizers: During the event, these volunteers will circulate through the crowd to gather sign-ups from people for further movement activism. Clipboarding Organizers will gather with a team lead at 3 PM on the day of the event at 122 Carroll Street in the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center. We need about 50 of these.

Tabling Organizers: During the event, these volunteers will staff tables in tents around the rally location to