How can we reform science education? Ask a scientist in their mid 50s or older where they were in 1961 when President John F. Kennedy spoke to Congress about the urgency of sending a man to the moon, and chances are they’ll remember. After the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, the first ...
Why are other countries doing better in science than the U.S.? Students in the United States generally start to learn about the human eye in elementary school. Students in many other countries, though, don’t discuss the eye until eighth grade. At first glance, this difference would seem to indicate that our ...
The future of U.S. science education The state of science education in the United States may seem grim, but some in the field are optimistic that science may actually be poised to enter a new golden age. A recent report by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology ...
Timeline: Important dates in U.S. science education history * * * * *1956 * The College Board introduces college-level science courses for advanced high-school students: AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Physics B/C (which become AP Physics B and AP Physics C in 1969). Sputnik *1957 * The Soviet Union ...
What makes a good science teacher? Janice Crowley (Courtesy College Board) What are the essential ingredients of good science teaching? Janice Crowley, chair of the science department at Wichita Collegiate Schoolin Kansas, faced that question last year when she had to choose between ...