Administration's Attempt to Promote Privatization Studied By Assembly CommitteeStealth RFP continues to draw fire from lawmakers and environmentalists
The Christie administration’s efforts to promote privatization ran into significant opposition yesterday. The plan is viewed by some as a stealth proposal to privatize land-use permitting functions within the Department of Environmental Protection.
The plan, detailed in a Request for Proposal (RFP) quietly issued by DEP in concert with the Treasury Department earlier this fall, should be pulled, several environmental organizations told the Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee. That was a step backed by Assemblyman John McKeon (D-Essex), the committee's chairman.
McKeon told DEP officials he was concerned the proposal was put out as a RFP without any public discussion or debate, which he argued circumvented past procedures to review efforts to hand over some of the agency’s functions to the private sector.
“Are you not putting the cart put before the horse?’’ McKeon asked Irene Kropp, deputy