Latest News and Comment from Education

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Washington Teacher: No WTU Elections For You: If President George Parker Has Anything To Do With It !

The Washington Teacher: No WTU Elections For You: If President George Parker Has Anything To Do With It !

No WTU Elections For You: If President George Parker Has Anything To Do With It !

The Washington Teachers' Union (WTU) is looking a bit iffy these days in terms of election preparedness thanks to teachers' union prez' George Parker. And with less than three weeks to go until school is out, things just keep getting stickier. It seems that there will be no WTU elections for officers- not yet if George Parker has his way. First the elections committee was bungled and AFT President Randi Weingarten had to intervene and oversee a secret ballot for the elections committee. After the elections committee was elected last week, I received a courtesy copy of an email from the WTU Elections Committee Chairperson, Claudette Carson since I am running as a candidate for the WTU General Vice President. Carson asserts that when the WTU election committee asked union president George Parker to provide copies of the most current membership list, two most recent union dues report and all nominating petitions for all elected positions submitted by April 30, 2010- George Parker REFUSED to provide the necessary information so that the elections committee could proceed with union elections. Now that's a way for Parker to stay in office.
Each week until our union elections move forward as required by our WTU constitution, I plan to publish a