The Mighty Journolist
Some guy who appears to be living his life as a decades-long piece of performance art titled “Bloated Jackass” is offering $100,000 for the complete archives of a private email listserv called “Journolist” that I used to belong to. I had assumed that Yglesias and Chait had put this issue to rest but apparently not. Fine. I, along with select other members of the liberal media / think tank / university / banking / Hollywood establishment secretly rule the world by sending emails to one another about stuff we think is interesting or annoying, like World Cup soccer. The best thing for you to do is check this site
Quick Hits is a short compilation of question-raising news stories, blog posts, and video clips that Education Sector team members are reading and viewing each day.
How could RttT inform ESEA reauthorization? (Education Week)
Is this year the annus horribilis for state budgets? And how will that affect the schools that educate our poorest children? (Washington Independent)
Can school districts require minimum grade for students regardless of their achievement on report cards, class assignments and homework? Not in Texas. (Dallas Morning News)
Can coherent state policy improve college attainment? (National Center for Public Policy, Southern Regional Education Board)
How could RttT inform ESEA reauthorization? (Education Week)
Is this year the annus horribilis for state budgets? And how will that affect the schools that educate our poorest children? (Washington Independent)
Can school districts require minimum grade for students regardless of their achievement on report cards, class assignments and homework? Not in Texas. (Dallas Morning News)
Can coherent state policy improve college attainment? (National Center for Public Policy, Southern Regional Education Board)