
So, I ran back to my sister Sarah's office and she's good friends with the FEDEX guy, so she called him and he came on over since he was in that part of town.
While I was waiting on him to get there, I took a look at the pages and wondered what would happen if I just took them and threw them away. That's right.
Threw them away
and just forgot about the last three weeks. All the mornings up at 5 am and writing until 5 pm and yesterday's 19 hour binge of writing.
What if I just pretended it never happened?
I want to savor this moment. Not because it feels good but because it doesn't.
I've always glamorized authors - they are my heroes. Many bloggers are too. Not because they are super
Daily Education & Technology News for Schools 06/23/2010
Jennifer Wagner shares a very nice and "on the money" post about what she'd do if she were going to ISTE. IT is a great read for someone going to any conference. I think many of us feel this way, Jennifer. Kudos on a great post.
The MY HERO Project: Mission Statement
A great project for teaching digtal storytelling, history, and writing.
From their homepage:
"The mission of MY HERO is to use media and technology to celebrate the best of humanity and to empower young people to realize their own potential to effect positive change in the world.