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When the ballot box gives you lemons, make lemonade — and charge $95 for a glass.
That's what parents in the Loma Prieta Joint Union School District are doing, as they launch a lemonade fundraiser today for schools. Disappointed that voters defeated their parcel tax, Measure G, by the slimmest of margins Tuesday, they're targeting the 1,000-plus voters in the Santa Cruz Mountains community who said yes to the tax, said Jennifer Straw, a parcel tax campaigner. Measure G would have imposed a $95 four-year tax to raise about $200,000 a year for schools.
Without additional funds, the schools could increase class sizes while losing library clerks, music and art.
The lemonade stand will be in front of Building Blocks Preschool on Summit Road from 9 a.m. to noon today and at the Building Blocks flea market May 16, Straw said.