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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This-a-way or That: I’m Good. � Chalkdust101

This-a-way or That: I’m Good. � Chalkdust101

Two Roads Diverged in a wood, and I–
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
In the wake of massive funding cuts here in New Jersey, school districts, including mine, are reeling. In my district alone, our submitted budget included the cut of twenty-four teachers, guidance counselors in both of our elementary buildings and our middle school, four out of six Vice Principals, all sports and extra-curricular activities district-wide, and everyone in my department except the head of the department.
I am not the head.
The way things work in New Jersey, nothing will officially shake out until either late April or early May, but the foundation of public education is being abruptly shaken, as are those employed in schools throughout the state. The last few weeks have brought on a sudden sense of urgency about the directions many of us will take, and the next few weeks will surely be filled with the same. But for right now, I am not worried.
Without sounding self-serving or prognostic, I knew this was coming. And I think you did