Jonathan Krohn, the 14 year old wunderkid of the conservative/Tea Party movement, spoke to progressive radio host, Thom Hartmann, after absorbing the scene at the recent CPAC gathering. You can skip to the 3:25 mark of the video to hear Jonathan "give credit where credit is due" - in this case, Krohn thinks our "socialist" President deserves support for his pro-competition, pro-charter, pay for test score, pro-merit-pay agenda. "Public education is already there and we're not going to be able to abolish it," chimes in the kid - but you sure get the impression that he'd like to.
TFA Touts Some Conclusions Of New ‘Meta-Analysis’ But Only The Favorable
According to Teach For America, the average teacher in this country is
pretty bad. The main deficiency of the average teacher, they say, is that
the averag...
37 minutes ago