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Monday, February 22, 2010

Maldonado needs bipartisan boost for confirmation -

Maldonado needs bipartisan boost for confirmation -

The confirmation battle over state Sen. Abel Maldonado’s nomination to be lieutenant governor goes into Round 2. But is there any reason to believe that the Santa Maria Republican won’t be rejected again?
“It’s certainly not likely there’ll be a different outcome,” said AssemblymanMarty Block, D-San Diego. “My read on the Democratic caucus in the Assembly is that people are pretty dug in with their votes.”
Assembly Minority Leader Martin Garrick, R-Solana Beach, said he thinks there’s a chance Maldonado will be confirmed the second time around.
“There is the potential for those individuals that were undecided or indifferent at the time to give it additional consideration and move it forward,” Garrick said.
Latino Democrats who voted against