"With a statewide graduation rate of only 70 percent and below 50 percent in many low-income communities, and too many high school graduates unready for college, we must work urgently to deliver the promise of educational opportunity for New York State’s 3 million school children. Keeping the promise requires that all schools have truly effective teachers and principals, rigorous curricula, well-designed assessments and a clear mission of achieving ambitious educational outcomes for every child.
This is the core of successful K-12 education and the foundation of New York’s Race to the Top application. Race to the Top is a fierce competition that awards federal funds only to those states willing to make bold changes to ensure all children succeed."
This is the core of successful K-12 education and the foundation of New York’s Race to the Top application. Race to the Top is a fierce competition that awards federal funds only to those states willing to make bold changes to ensure all children succeed."