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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The State Hornet - EDITORIAL: CSU budget crisis greatest hits vol. ?

The State Hornet - EDITORIAL: CSU budget crisis greatest hits vol. ?

Another semester, another address by President Alexander Gonzalez and top campus administrators. We’ve heard it all before.

The university is in a tight spot due to the state’s budget crisis, but we’re holding on and are in a better position than most of our sister schools in the California State University system, thanks to our proactive and forward thinking administration, we were told.

We know. We’ve been listening to the same broken record for the past two years.

And we are hearing the same responses from the campus community.

The faculty and the student body complain that Sacramento State’s administration, the CSU chancellor’s office and the Board of Trustees are not listening to their grievances and concerns. They feel shut out of the process.

Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard that before too - it’s just another skip in that same old record.
And again The State Hornet feels compelled to write yet another editorial cajoling the campus community to actively join the fight in support of our university system.

Damn! Did that stupid record just skip again?

But wait, you say, isn’t Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger singing a new tune?

Hasn’t he offered to restore $305 million in funding to the CSU system in his January budget proposal?