Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A new security system for Oakland schools | The Education Report

A new security system for Oakland schools | The Education Report

The Oakland public school system is about to embark on a new initiative with a new acronym: SOS, which stands for “Secure Our Schools.”

The district plans to install 750-plus cameras at 26 middle and high schools between now and the end of the 2010-11 school year, using a $1.5 million Department of Justice grant.
It’s hoped that the infusion of technology – and the ability for school police to monitor the happenings on every campus from one location – will keep a lid on a number of the district’s chronic ills, including truancy, neighborhood crime, on-campus fights.

If you have a flexible work schedule and want to see a demonstration of this new system, maybe I’ll see you at the Oakland Technical High School library at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
Here’s an excerpt of the district’s news release that lists the potential benefits:
* Reduce violence on school campuses and in surrounding neighborhoods
* Improve student attitudes relating to safety at school
* Boost student attendance (by diminishing fear of unruly students)
* Increase student achievement (as a result of fewer distractions, fewer behavioral problems and more regular