"On Jan. 19, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke to a crowd of over 7,000 in Ahearn Field House on the campus of K-State University; the title of his speech was “The Future of Integration.” He was invited to present an “all University Convocation,” although today it is often assumed that he was a speaker in the Alfred M. Landon Lecture Series on Public Issues. It is worth noting that the Landon Lecture Series was in its infancy at that time with Alf Landon giving the inaugural presentation on Dec. 13, 1966, followed by three speakers in 1967. As early as July 1967, King was invited to be a Convocations speaker in January of 1968. The Convocations Series had been established in 1963 with Harry Golden, an American Jewish author and publisher, delivering the first talk on April 3. The subject of his remarks was racial equality!"
What Kind of People Voted for Trump?
There are two kinds of people who voted for Donald J. Trump in 2024. The
first group was conned—they bought the sales pitch, got burned, and are
just now...
2 hours ago