"Here's an alphabet soup look at some bills that become law on Jan. 1, whether we like them or not:
A is for alligator. SB 609 will extend from 2010 until 2015 a law that allows the importation of products made with alligator and crocodile parts.
B is for bicycles. SB 527 allows the operation of bikes without seats on state roads, as long as the bike was built that way on purpose.
C is for cows. SB 135 makes it a misdemeanor to chop off a cow's tail, except for when it's medically necessary."
A is for alligator. SB 609 will extend from 2010 until 2015 a law that allows the importation of products made with alligator and crocodile parts.
B is for bicycles. SB 527 allows the operation of bikes without seats on state roads, as long as the bike was built that way on purpose.
C is for cows. SB 135 makes it a misdemeanor to chop off a cow's tail, except for when it's medically necessary."