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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Arnold said what? - Times-Standard Online

Arnold said what? - Times-Standard Online:

"Wow! Did everyone miss the recent quote by Governor Schwarzenegger that was printed in the 1/16/10 Times-Standard? The governor said: “The reason why I'm passionate about education is so all the children in California can get the attention I got in Austria.”

Amazing. Let's see if I've got this straight now. Arnold, a Republican, is extolling the benefits of education in a (gasp!) SOCIALIST country, Austria. An individual (Arnold) who has made a consistent habit of slashing education funding in a state that once had an education system that was the envy of the country (California) and who refuses to even discuss raising taxes to balance the budget is pointing out the benefits of a country that prioritizes public education and other programs for the common good and that has a significantly higher tax rate."