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Sunday, December 20, 2009

UC regents president betray California students

UC regents president betray California students:

"When I served as director of undergraduate admission at UC Berkeley from 1993 through 1999, I viewed the admission process at Berkeley as a public trust. The principal satisfaction I got was from helping ensure that as wide a range of California students as possible got access to the world-class education that Berkeley offered."

ow, however, the UC Board of Regents and UC President Mark Yudof have made disastrous changes in fee and enrollment policies that will sharply limit opportunities for California residents and severely damage the already meager enrollment levels of African American, Latino and Native American students, and the enrollment of low-income students in general.

Fee increases

The widely publicized 32 percent undergraduate fee increase passed by the UC regents Nov. 19 will severely damage opportunity for large numbers of California students and their families.
To begin with, Yudof implies that UC fees are the only financial problem UC students and their parents confront. The real issue, as the table at right

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