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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nuggets of Green Goodness in the Healthcare Bill : TreeHugger

Nuggets of Green Goodness in the Healthcare Bill : TreeHugger:

"Conservative commentator David Frum describes the American health care system: 'The U.S. health care system costs too much, delivers too little and excludes too many. Americans pay 60 percent more per person for health care than any other nation. Yet Americans rank only 41st in life expectancy and live with the paralyzing fear that the loss of a job means the loss of coverage.'

Frum doesn't think much of the bill that was passed, but then he is Canadian, as am I, where we have rather good health care, job mobility, universal coverage and our businesses have a nice competitive advantage. Another big benefit of the government paying the bills is that it gets really concerned about the health of its citizens. For example, where I live, the government banned jun"