Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, December 21, 2009

Backgrounds of 3 MPS superintendent finalists detailed - JSOnline

Backgrounds of 3 MPS superintendent finalists detailed - JSOnline:

"The remaining candidates to be chief of Milwaukee Public Schools are two African-American men and one Hispanic man, all with experience in big-city school districts.

Philadelphia native Gregory Thornton, superintendent of the 7,800-student Chester Upland Public Schools in southeastern Pennsylvania, previously was in the No. 2 job for the Philadelphia School District.

Robert Alfaro is one of four regional superintendents for the Clark County School District in Las Vegas, one of the nation's largest districts with more than 300,000 students, though his responsibility is for a suburban region. He earlier had a post with the San Antonio school district.

Stacy Scott, one of six associate superintendents with Montgomery County, Md., schools outside Washington, D.C., has spent years as an education consultant, including for Milwaukee Public Schools, he said.

Those were some of the details available Friday about the three finalists to replace Superintendent William Andrekopoulos, who plans to retire in the summer."