Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, November 9, 2009

No more senior year of high school | | The Detroit News

No more senior year of high school The Detroit News:

"No more senior year of high school

Idea 34: Eliminate the senior year of high school.

Why: For far too many of Michigan's students, the 12th grade has become nothing more than state-subsidized dating. Educators and parents frequently discuss this 'senioritis,' the so-called disease when students stop worrying about their grades because they have already been accepted to a university or are more concerned about social activities during their last year of high school. Our children have matured at a faster pace, and technological advances have accelerated learning and knowledge exponentially.

AdvertisementBenefits: With the state investing about $1 billion per grade in K-12 education, a portion of these resources could be redirected to our community colleges and universities with a far better outcome for the individual and state."