Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Labor Voices: Did Michigan's budget cuts imperil federal education funds? | | The Detroit News

Labor Voices: Did Michigan's budget cuts imperil federal education funds? The Detroit News:

"In the debate over the federal Race to the Top program, we've heard politicians and pundits argue over money -- and who's to blame if we don't get the dollars we're all hoping for.
What we haven't heard is how Michigan might have already blown any chance at grant money anyway.

As much as the Michigan Education Association would welcome millions of dollars in federal money, our state's draconian budget cuts have put us at a disadvantage compared with other states that invest in their schools."

In a conference call with reporters last Thursday, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan issued a warning for states like Michigan. While acknowledging that times are tough, Duncan said one of his chief criteria for Race to the Top grants would be whether states make education a priority during tight budget years.

If states -- like Michigan -- cut education spending, Duncan said he would ask a simple question.

"Did those cuts help students in the classroom, or did they benefit adults?" The answer, he said, would be a major evaluation tool in this process.

That does not bode well for Michigan schools