Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, November 16, 2009

Higher education collapse: Dream now a nightmare - The Reporter

Higher education collapse: Dream now a nightmare - The Reporter:

"Whatever happened to the great California dream -- the promise of a good, affordable education for every qualified, committed student? The dream that in 1960 was hammered into policy as the California Master Plan for Higher Education?

It was a farsighted document that argued that the future economic well-being of California depended upon a well-educated work force that would encourage business investment in the state, as well as drawing smart people. The list of benefits was long and, as it turned out, prophetic.

That dream is now fading. As state funds to colleges and universities have been slashed, classes and programs have been eliminated, faculty and staff have been laid off or required to take furlough days, and student fees have been raised. Even if students can afford their education, they are no longer sure they will be able to get the classes they need in a timely manner."