Gaming Out The Bloomberg III Cabinet: Schools, Parks, FDNY and DEP:
"Joel Klein
To say there are a lot of people who would love to see Schools Chancellor Joel Klein kicked to the curb would be a gross understatement. Critics of Klein’s data-driven approach to school governance have long bellowed for his removal, just as “Dump Klein” became a popular refrain for Comptroller Bill Thompson’s mayoral campaign. But true to form, Bloomberg has kept the controversial chancellor close, rebuffing his critics and declaring unqualified support whenever prompted.'
But after eight years at the helm of the Department of Education—longer than any other chancellor in recent history—many believe that Klein could be on his way out."
"Joel Klein
To say there are a lot of people who would love to see Schools Chancellor Joel Klein kicked to the curb would be a gross understatement. Critics of Klein’s data-driven approach to school governance have long bellowed for his removal, just as “Dump Klein” became a popular refrain for Comptroller Bill Thompson’s mayoral campaign. But true to form, Bloomberg has kept the controversial chancellor close, rebuffing his critics and declaring unqualified support whenever prompted.'
But after eight years at the helm of the Department of Education—longer than any other chancellor in recent history—many believe that Klein could be on his way out."