Commentary: School cupboards stocked with parental talent:
"Backpack? Got it. Spiral notebooks? Plenty of those. Markers, folders and three-ring binders? Check, check and check! Parental talents? Huh?
Why would parental talents be on a child's back-to-school supply list? Here's why: Numerous studies have proven that there is a direct correlation between parental involvement and student achievement.
There are many things that fall under the heading of parental involvement, from the subtle (a parent's attitudes and expectations regarding education), to the more overt (reading to your child), to broader, more visible efforts (volunteering at your child's school)."
Every year, volunteers contribute thousands of hours to local schools. But parent volunteers are doing far more than making brownies for bake sales or chaperoning field trips.
Today's involved parents are using their vocational skills, unique talents and personal interests to benefit schools. And while I may be using the term "parent" here, this can apply to anyone who wants to be involved and volunteer in education: grandparents, other relatives, young adults, family friends and concerned citizens.
As a parent and former PTA officer at Jefferson Lighthouse School, I've had the opportunity there to see a wide range of volunteer talents put to use in the classroom, after school and in the school as a whole. Here are just some examples:
"Backpack? Got it. Spiral notebooks? Plenty of those. Markers, folders and three-ring binders? Check, check and check! Parental talents? Huh?
Why would parental talents be on a child's back-to-school supply list? Here's why: Numerous studies have proven that there is a direct correlation between parental involvement and student achievement.
There are many things that fall under the heading of parental involvement, from the subtle (a parent's attitudes and expectations regarding education), to the more overt (reading to your child), to broader, more visible efforts (volunteering at your child's school)."
Every year, volunteers contribute thousands of hours to local schools. But parent volunteers are doing far more than making brownies for bake sales or chaperoning field trips.
Today's involved parents are using their vocational skills, unique talents and personal interests to benefit schools. And while I may be using the term "parent" here, this can apply to anyone who wants to be involved and volunteer in education: grandparents, other relatives, young adults, family friends and concerned citizens.
As a parent and former PTA officer at Jefferson Lighthouse School, I've had the opportunity there to see a wide range of volunteer talents put to use in the classroom, after school and in the school as a whole. Here are just some examples: