City Brights: Zennie Abraham : California's education and economic problem; Chevron's aide:
Aside from jobs, education funding is the most important problem in California. I was surprised to learn that Chevron Oil Company - the company commonly associated for bad things and unfairly so in my view - was behind a $7 million initiative to fund education non-profit organizations in Northern California.
It's called The California Partnership and was developed to help those organizations that were focusing on, and making a difference in, disadvantages neighborhoods, primarily in Northern California.
I was invited to join other media at the San Francisco City Club and frankly learned something shocking. I learned that while other media outlets were invited, at least one organization said they only covered a story involving non-profits if their was something negative, like a staff member stealing funds, for example.
Think about that the next time you see a bad story on a non-profit in the media.
Read more:
OK: Vouchers For The Wealthy
Oklahoma voucherphiles pitched a tax credit scholarship program for years,
with a variety of pretty promises.
In 2020, Senate President Pro Tempore tugged ...
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