Latest News and Comment from Education

Friday, November 20, 2009

After Gerson feud, Downtown club is splitting up

After Gerson feud, Downtown club is splitting up:

"One option for zoning Lower Manhattan’s elementary schools would cut through the Whole Foods building, giving luxury condo owners the key to P.S. 234 while the middle and low-income renters would go to the Spruce Street School half a mile away.

Parents at 89 Murray St., the affordable rental portion of the development, are angry about possibly being excluded from P.S. 234.

“Tribeca is our neighborhood,” said Ilya Mazur, who lives at 89 Murray and has a 2-year-old son. “A lot of us can see [P.S. 234] from our windows. We can hear the school. This breaks the neighborhood for us.”"