After Criticism, the Administration Is Praised for Final Rules on Education Grants - NYTimes.com:
"Three months after provoking an outpouring of criticism with preliminary plans for the nation’s largest competitive education grant program, the Obama administration has added flexibility in the final rules, released Wednesday, drawing praise from a state governor who was initially critical and from leaders of the national teachers’ unions.
But the Race to the Top program, which will reward some states undertaking bold school improvement initiatives with awards totaling $4 billion, retains politically volatile elements."
"Three months after provoking an outpouring of criticism with preliminary plans for the nation’s largest competitive education grant program, the Obama administration has added flexibility in the final rules, released Wednesday, drawing praise from a state governor who was initially critical and from leaders of the national teachers’ unions.
But the Race to the Top program, which will reward some states undertaking bold school improvement initiatives with awards totaling $4 billion, retains politically volatile elements."