Parents and community leaders voice opinions on Renaissance 2010 program - WGN:
"CHICAGO - Chicago Public School parents and community leaders voicing their opinions on the Renaissance 2010 program at the CPS board meeting today.
Some parents alleging that Renaissance 2010 is endangering students lives, disrupting communities and wasting public dollars. Parents also saying there is a connection between recent school violence and the Renaissance 2010 program.
CPS parent Julie Woesterhoff says that it's irresponsible for the CPS school officials to not make that connection.
'If there is any possibility that a policy your putting in place is killing children and escalating violence, you need to put the breaks on it,' Woesterhoff said.
Some parents at the meeting were in favor of Renaissance 2010. Adrienne Leonard saying it is not the reason for escalating violence blaming the parents instead.
'It's parental involvement, if parents were involved our schools wouldn't be in the shape that they are in,' Leonard said, 'We are all responsible for what's going on.
CPS Board president Michael Scott has promised to meet with parents regarding the program. But right now they have no plans to rescind Renaissance 2010.
As defined by CPS, Renaissance 2010 was started back in 2005 as an effort to create 100 high-performing public schools in designated communities of need by 2010. Mayor Daley has long been a supporter of Renaissance 2010."
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