Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Golden Gate [X]press : Oil tax proposed to fund higher education

Golden Gate [X]press : Oil tax proposed to fund higher education:

"The majority leader for the California State Assembly kicked off his tour of eight California State University schools Oct. 12 to promote a bill that could solve California's public higher education budget crisis.

Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, D-Fremont, kicked off his 'Fair Share for Fair Tuition' tour at Cal State East Bay in support of his bill, AB 656, which would increase tax oil companies 10 percent for oil and gas extraction.

'The oil doesn't belong to the oil companies, it belongs to the people of the state - and if you're going to take it, you're going to pay,' Torrico told the crowd, which consisted of about 200 people, in front of the university's administration building, Warren Hall.

The bill would create the California Higher Education Fund in which 60 percent of the money garnered from the tax would be given to the California State University system. Thirty percent will be given to the University of California system and 10 percent to California Community Colleges."