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Thursday, October 8, 2009

ACLU: Teachers abuse kids with LD - Quality teaching | GreatSchools

ACLU: Teachers abuse kids with LD - Quality teaching GreatSchools:

"Landon K., an autistic 6-year-old, was a first-grader in Mississippi when an assistant principal administered an approved punishment: striking the child on his bottom with an inch-thick paddle.

The incident terrified the child, causing him to lose control. 'He was screaming and hollering,' Landon's grandmother Jacquelyn K. later told the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). 'It just devastated him.'

Landon was so upset by the paddling he had to be sedated by ambulance workers.

Sound like one of those random but rare cases of abuse that grab headlines but are basically unprecedented? Unfortunately, the facts are a little more disturbing."

Read the report: