Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dear People who care about the future of Sacramento:

Show up to City Council on Tuesday! (Sept. 15th @ 6pm)

Please show up to City Hall tomorrow (September 15th) and urge the Council to vote NO on using public resources to fix legal flaws with the strong mayor initiative.

City Hall is located at 915 I Street and the meeting starts at 6pm. This item is expected to be heard within the first hour.

The City Attorney recently identified a number of legal issues in the Strong Mayor initiative. As a result, she has advised the proponents of this measure to fix those legal flaws in order to avoid any confusion about whether the initiative is constitutional.

This initiative is being funded with private money. Therefore, any band-aid measure needed to fix the legal issues should be paid for with private money. Nonetheless, the proponents of this measure want the public to foot the bill for fixing their mistakes.

Please show up to City Council tomorrow and ask them to use common sense and VOTE NO on bailing out the legally flawed Strong Mayor Initiative.

Thank you!- Stop the Power Grab