SSPI Launches New State Testing Program Web site - Year 2009 (CA Dept of Education): "California Launches New Web Site to Better Communicate With
Parents and Educators About State Testing Program
SACRAMENTO – State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell today launched a new Web site to give parents and teachers a much better understanding of the state’s California Standards Tests that measure how well the California public education system and its students are performing.
“This new on-line resource is the product of parent, teacher, and community member requests for an easy-to-access tool to help parents better understand their children’s test scores,” O’Connell said. “We hope that the information on this Web site will lead to increased collaboration between parents and educators and ultimately increased student learning.”"
OK: Vouchers For The Wealthy
Oklahoma voucherphiles pitched a tax credit scholarship program for years,
with a variety of pretty promises.
In 2020, Senate President Pro Tempore tugged ...
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