MORE THAN 100,000 LA SCHOOL REPAIRS BACKLOGGED: Fire safety at risk in some schools
Annie Gilbertson and Claire Withycombe with Chris Keller | KPCC 89.3 | http://bit.ly/1AZHJCu Audio from this story :|: 4:06 Listen Dan Sapia shuts off water to the fire sprinklers at Hoover Street Elementary School in the Los Angeles Unified school district. His plumbing crew is often pulled from one emergency job, such as repairing this water main leak, to another, leaving little
Lausd High School Students Improve On Math And English Exit Exams …But Still Lag Behind Rest Of State And County
By Thomas Himes, Los Angeles Daily News | http://bit.ly/ZzslRM LAUSD Superintendent Dr. John Deasy says, “We’re making great progress in preparing our sophomores and other students for graduation.” Staff file photo Posted: 09/19/14, 5:00 PM PDT | Updated: 9/2o/2014 2 MP PDT :: A slightly larger portion of Los Angeles Unified’s high school sophomores proved competent in math and English
The Debate Over Common Core
CBS News Sunday Morning | http://cbsn.ws/Z503yF The curriculum for boosting K-12 students' academic performance has drawn critics on both sides of the political divide. CBS News September 21, 2014, 9:35 AM :: The core issue in education this brand new school year revolves around something called the Common Core. It's a prescription for teaching and grading students that's
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-20-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit:4LAKIDS - SOME OF THE NEWS THAT DOESN'T FIT Lausd Gets Approval For New Maywood CampusBy Arnold Adler, Los Angeles Wave Staff Writer | http://bit.ly/1AW8eJ9 Friday, September 19, 2014 1:55 pm :: MAYWOOD — Plans have been completed for the Los Angeles Unified School District's new South Region High School No. 8, to be built at 5800 King Ave. The school