Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, June 22, 2023




The Glendale Unified School District's (GUSD) school board meeting last night was quite the spectacle. As the meeting began, tensions were high as parents, students, and community members gathered to voice their concerns about the district's focus on sex education.

But things quickly took a turn for the hilarious as a group of MAGA Mammas, J6ers, and Proud Boys stormed into the meeting, demanding that the district focus on more important issues like making America great again.

The school board members were taken aback by the sudden intrusion, but they tried to maintain their composure as the group of passionate patriots began chanting "USA! USA! USA!"

One member of the group, a woman who identified herself only as "Karen," took the microphone and launched into a tirade about how sex education was ruining our country.

"Back in my day, we didn't need no fancy book learnin' to know about sex," she exclaimed. "We learned everything we needed to know from our parents, our friends, and the backseat of a Chevy Nova."

The crowd erupted in laughter and applause, but Karen was just getting started. "These kids today don't know how good they have it," she continued. "They've got all these fancy gadgets and gizmos to help them learn about sex. When I was their age, we had to make do with a Sears catalog and our imaginations."

The room was in stitches as Karen regaled them with tales of her youth, but not everyone was amused. A group of concerned parents stood up to voice their support for comprehensive sex education in schools.

One parent, a woman named Lisa, spoke passionately about the importance of teaching young people about consent and healthy relationships. "We can't just leave our kids to figure this stuff out on their own," she said. "We need to give them the tools they need to make informed decisions about their bodies and their futures."

But Karen and her crew weren't having it. They continued to shout down anyone who spoke in favor of sex education, insisting that it was a waste of time and resources.

As the meeting dragged on, it became clear that there was no middle ground between these two groups. The MAGA Mammas, J6ers, and Proud Boys were determined to stop sex education in its tracks, while the concerned parents were equally determined to see it implemented.

In the end, the school board members decided to table the issue for further discussion at a later date. But as everyone filed out of the meeting room, it was clear that this debate was far from over.

Only time will tell whether the Glendale Unified School District will continue to focus on sex education or whether they'll cave to pressure from the MAGA Mammas, J6ers, and Proud Boys. But one thing's for sure – this won't be the last we hear from either side.

J6ers and Proud Boys Among Anti-LGBT Crowd Outside Glendale School Board Meeting 

Parents continue to clash over 'indoctrination' in southern California school district | KMPH