Posts This Week 10/20/18
Failing Public School Infrastructure Makes Way for Microenvironments
by mike simpson / 5min
Failing Public School Infrastructure Makes Way for Microenvironments Failing Public School Infrastructure Makes Way for Microenvironments .. .the nation continues to underinvest in school facilities, leaving an estimated $38 billion annual gap. ~2017 Infrastructure Report on Schools by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Classrooms or microenvironments? For years, the condition of public sch
Bill Daley is Running for Chicago’s Next Mayor. School-Closure Supporter Peter Cunningham is Managing the Campaign. | deutsch29
by mike simpson / 20min
Bill Daley is Running for Chicago’s Next Mayor. School-Closure Supporter Peter Cunningham is Managing the Campaign. | deutsch29 Bill Daley is Running for Chicago’s Next Mayor. School-Closure Supporter Peter Cunningham is Managing the Campaign. Another Daley is running for political office in Chicago: Bill Daley for Mayor. Bill Daley Both Daley’s father and brother took turns as Chicago’s mayor, a
Bob Shepherd: The Six Hundred, a Riff on Tennyson | Diane Ravitch's blog
by mike simpson / 7h
Bob Shepherd: The Six Hundred, a Riff on Tennyson | Diane Ravitch's blog Bob Shepherd: The Six Hundred, a Riff on Tennyson Our reader Bob Shepherd has his own blog. As you may have deduced, I’m just wild about Bob. Here is a wonderful parody of Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” who was writing about the British troops who blindly followed orders in the Battle of Balaclava in 1854 in t
Watch NPE Conference Live from Indianapolis! #NPE18INDY | Diane Ravitch's blog
by mike simpson / 9h
Watch NPE Conference Live from Indianapolis! #NPE18INDY | Diane Ravitch's blog Watch NPE Conference Live from Indianapolis! #NPE18INDY The Network for Public Education is live-streaming events from Indianapolis. Watch here. If you weren’t able to make it to Indianapolis to join us this year, don’t fret – we’ve got you covered! Just hop on to the NPE Action Facebook page to catch all of the keynot
Focus on Pedagogy, Not Just Privacy – Wrench in the Gears
by mike simpson / 9h
Focus on Pedagogy, Not Just Privacy – Wrench in the Gears Focus on Pedagogy, Not Just Privacy This is the fifth of ten questions presented as a Trans-Atlantic dialogue between myself and UK blogger Privatising Schools. A condensed version pulling together content of several responses for UK audiences can be read on the Local Schools Network website . Privatising Schools: Question Five Is fixing d
Standardized Teaching? (Part 2) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
by mike simpson / 9h
Standardized Teaching? (Part 2) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice Standardized Teaching? (Part 2) In Part 1 , I made the point that the structure of the age-graded school, introduced in the U.S. in mid-19th century, has become the taken-for-granted way for organizing schools ever since. One-room schoolhouses, the heretofore dominant way of structuring schools, went the way of
Ravitch pushes against charter schools in Louisville rally - Insider Louisville
by mike simpson / 18h
Ravitch pushes against charter schools in Louisville rally - Insider Louisville Ravitch pushes against charter schools in Louisville rally The former assistant secretary of education, Diane Ravitch, doesn’t like traveling, Gay Adelmann, a local education advocate, learned while trying to persuade Ravitch to speak in Louisville. This time, she got lucky: The organization Ravitch co-founded, the Ne
The Network for Public Education is live-streaming events from Indianapolis. Watch here. #NPE18INDY | Diane Ravitch's blog
by mike simpson / 21h
Watch NPE Conference Live from Indianapolis! #NPE18INDY | Diane Ravitch's blog Watch NPE Conference Live from Indianapolis! #NPE18INDY The Network for Public Education is live-streaming events from Indianapolis. Watch here. If you weren’t able to make it to Indianapolis to join us this year, don’t fret – we’ve got you covered! Just hop on to the NPE Action Facebook page to catch all of the keynot
Big Spending on Privatizing Public Schools in San Antonio | tultican
by mike simpson / 1d
Big Spending on Privatizing Public Schools in San Antonio | tultican Big Spending on Privatizing Public Schools in San Antonio Federal dollars are supplementing deep pocketed Destroy Public Education (DPE) forces in an effort to privatize schools in San Antonio, Texas. The total monetary support for the preferred charter school systems exceeds $200,000,000. One “DPE” publication, The 74, publishe
Chicken-Little Politics and the Curse of Testing (and Standards) in South Carolina | radical eyes for equity
by mike simpson / 1d
Chicken-Little Politics and the Curse of Testing (and Standards) in South Carolina | radical eyes for equity Chicken-Little Politics and the Curse of Testing (and Standards) in South Carolina I entered education as a high school teacher in South Carolina in the 1984-1985 academic year, the first year of a significant teacher pay raise and a pivotal ground zero in the state’s accountability era es
The Backlash to Betsy DeVos' Disastrous Education Legacy May Drive a Massive Blue Wave on Her Home Turf | Alternet
by mike simpson / 1d
The Backlash to Betsy DeVos' Disastrous Education Legacy May Drive a Massive Blue Wave on Her Home Turf | Alternet The Backlash to Betsy DeVos' Disastrous Education Legacy May Drive a Massive Blue Wave on Her Home Turf Should Democrats retake the Rust Belt, it may not only snuff out the DeVos legacy but also change the course of education policy in the nation. It’s increasingly clear that if the
School choice opponents urged to vote, lobby - WDRB 41 Louisville News
by mike simpson / 1d
School choice opponents urged to vote, lobby - WDRB 41 Louisville News School choice opponents urged to vote, lobby Speakers at Thursday's rally included a former assistant secretary in the U.S. Department of Education and a prominent community organizer. WDRB 41 Louisville News School choice opponents urged to vote, lobby - WDRB 41 Louisville News LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- The message at Thursda
Teachers are Running for Office – And to Save Public Education – Have You Heard
by mike simpson / 1d
Teachers are Running for Office – And to Save Public Education – Have You Heard Teachers are Running for Office – And to Save Public Education Teachers are running for office in unprecedented numbers. And that’s not the only thing that makes this wave of teachers-turned-candidates unique. In the latest episode of the Have You Heard podcast, we meet some candidates who aren’t just running for offi
Dysfunctional School Boards: Part I – Educate Louisiana
by mike simpson / 1d
Dysfunctional School Boards: Part I – Educate Louisiana Dysfunctional School Boards: Part I If you ask any teacher in Louisiana who has taught more than ten years what’s the worst thing to happen to the teaching profession, most of them will say Act I; the legislation that defines how teacher are evaluated using invalid student test scores and a Utopian scoring rubric that was designed to be a to
Forgive me #edutwitter, for I have sinned - Edu-Confessional | Blue Cereal Education
by mike simpson / 1d
Edu-Confessional | Blue Cereal Education Edu-Confessional Forgive me #edutwitter, for I have sinned. It’s been two weeks since my last post, but months since anything, you know… good . Where should I start? I teach history so I’m partial to chronologically, but— Maybe it’s best if I just dive in with the worst of it, then move through the list from there. First, I assign a lot of videos in my AP
Exploding Inequality and Poverty: We Got the “Failing” Schools Narrative Wrong and Failed to See the Real Problem | janresseger
by mike simpson / 1d
Exploding Inequality and Poverty: We Got the “Failing” Schools Narrative Wrong and Failed to See the Real Problem | janresseger Exploding Inequality and Poverty: We Got the “Failing” Schools Narrative Wrong and Failed to See the Real Problem Two articles published this week make interesting companions. The first is Jack Schneider’s post—published in the Washington Post as part of Valerie Strauss’
A 50-State-Plus-DC Exploration of Alice Walton’s Political Contributions | deutsch29
by mike simpson / 1d
A 50-State-Plus-DC Exploration of Alice Walton’s Political Contributions | deutsch29 A 50-State-Plus-DC Exploration of Alice Walton’s Political Contributions Several days ago, I began an exploration of the political contributions of billionaire Wal-Mart heir, Alice Walton. I was both curious about her political spending and desiring to offer readers quick links to the campaign finance web sites i
OCT 18
Charter schools are a hot real estate market — and that’s bad for students
by mike simpson / 2d
Charter schools are a hot real estate market — and that’s bad for students Charter schools are a hot real estate market — and that’s bad for students Where there’s smoke there’s fire — and there’s tons of smoke when it comes to the charter school industry pocketing public money meant for school buildings. It seems like almost every week another charter school operator is exposed for taking taxpay
The History of the Future of High School - VICE
by mike simpson / 2d
The History of the Future of High School - VICE The History of the Future of High School The problem with American secondary education is not that students haven’t learned the “right skills,” as the Betsy DeVoses of the world would have you believe. This story appears in VICE Magazine's Power and Privilege Issue . Click HERE to subscribe. High school is broken in America. Its buildings and classe
Decolonizing Wealth Officially Released! | Schott Foundation for Public Education
by mike simpson / 2d
Decolonizing Wealth Officially Released! | Schott Foundation for Public Education Decolonizing Wealth Officially Released! This is an exciting week at Schott—it marks the official release of Decolonizing Wealth, the provocative new book by Edgar Villanueva, Schott’s Vice President of Programs and Advocacy. It’s in bookstores nationwide —and is deservedly garnering wide attention, spurring candid
Spring’s Teacher Walkouts Put Education On The Ballot In Fall Elections
by mike simpson / 2d
Spring’s Teacher Walkouts Put Education On The Ballot In Fall Elections Spring’s Teacher Walkouts Put Education On The Ballot In Fall Elections This year’s Educator Spring that brought teachers into the streets in massive protests has resulted in hundreds of educators running for office in November midterm elections, thrust education issues into electoral contests between Democratic and Republica
Lies We Tell Our Students | Blue Cereal Education
by mike simpson / 2d
Lies We Tell Our Students | Blue Cereal Education Lies We Tell Our Students I don’t like to lie to my students. I try not to, but it’s not always easy. Sometimes it’s literally required by the folks signing my paycheck, creating what we in the teaching business call “a dilemma.” My ex-wife and I never told our kids there was a Santa, a Tooth Fairy, or an Easter Bunny, even when they were very lit
This is Your Future Without Public Schools | National Education Policy Center
by mike simpson / 2d
OurFuture.org: This is Your Future Without Public Schools | National Education Policy Center This is Your Future Without Public Schools ‘The Education Debt’ The first report, “Confronting the Education Debt” from the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, examines the nation’s “education debt” – the historic funding shortfall for school systems that educate black and brown children. The authors find th
OPINION: The Opt Out movement is gaining ground, quietly
by mike simpson / 2d
OPINION: The Opt Out movement is gaining ground, quietly OPINION: The Opt Out movement is gaining ground, quietly Concerns go beyond standardized testing I magine hundreds of thousands of parents protesting the ways in which schools educate their children. Now imagine that this protest continues for several years in a row and that it takes place in multiple locations simultaneously. Wouldn’t you
New Educator Toolkit to protect data privacy | Parent Coalition for Student Privacy
by mike simpson / 2d
New Educator Toolkit to protect data privacy | Parent Coalition for Student Privacy New Educator Toolkit to protect data privacy Guide designed to prevent breaches or abuse of personal information Today, the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy and The Badass Teachers Association released an Educator Toolkit for Teacher and Student Privacy: A Practical Guide for Protecting Personal Data. The Tool
Dolores Huerta Endorses Tony Thurmond for State Schools’ Superintendent - Oakland Post
by mike simpson / 2d
Dolores Huerta Endorses Tony Thurmond for State Schools’ Superintendent - Oakland Post Dolores Huerta Endorses Tony Thurmond for State Schools’ Superintendent Civil rights icon Dolores Huerta and the California Association of Bilingual Educators Political Action Committee have endorsed Tony Thurmond for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. “Californians can count on Tony Thurmond to put ch
Student data mining: Parents deserve right to refuse | The Edvocate Blog
by mike simpson / 2d
Student data mining: Parents deserve right to refuse | The Edvocate Blog Student data mining: Parents deserve right to refuse Unfortunately, states and school districts are embracing student digital badges, programs like i-Ready, adaptive computer-based education and other Ed-Tech products in exchange for money and/or one-on-one devices. The growing focus on data mining our children’s personal in
CURMUDGUCATION: DeVos Organization Issues School Choice Guidebook
by mike simpson / 2d
CURMUDGUCATION: DeVos Organization Issues School Choice Guidebook DeVos Organization Issues School Choice Guidebook The American Federation for Children is a dark money group that advocates for school choice in general, and vouchers in particular. It was founded and funded by the DeVos family (Betsy was chair right up through the summer of 2016), and is well-connected via ALEC, that special organ
OCT 17
Teachers: VOTE! (For Education) | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch
by mike simpson / 2d
Teachers: VOTE! (For Education) | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch Teachers: VOTE! (For Education) Apologies to fellow teachers. (I know, I've been out of the profession for 15 years, but once a teacher, always a teacher, even after you lose your class [badum-ching!]). I know how much teachers hate being told what to do. I always did. I keep promising I won't give teachers advice, bu
As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap….. | The Merrow Report
by mike simpson / 3d
As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap….. | The Merrow Report As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap….. We cannot let continuing evidence of the folly of test-centric education be obscured by the craziness of our polarized politics or the increasingly frequent (and devastating) proof of climate change, because, make no mistake, public education is in danger, and not just from Betsy DeVos and her privatizing schemes. H
Teachers in America: No matter where they work, they feel disrespect
by mike simpson / 3d
Teachers in America: No matter where they work, they feel disrespect We followed 15 of America's teachers on a day of frustrations, pressures and hard-earned victories It’s shortly after dawn when Edward Lawson, one of America’s 3.2 million public school teachers, pulls his car into the parking lot of Thomas Elementary in Racine, Wisconsin. He cuts the engine, pulls out his cellphone and calls hi
Broad's Boy Austin Beutner and UTLA Pres Alex Caputo-Pearl: Two leaders on a collision course toward a teachers strike - Los Angeles Times
by mike simpson / 3d
Austin Beutner and Alex Caputo-Pearl: Two leaders on a collision course toward a teachers strike - Los Angeles Times Austin Beutner and Alex Caputo-Pearl: Two leaders on a collision course toward a teachers strike The two men who could determine whether Los Angeles teachers go on strike sound almost as if they inhabit different worlds. They don’t even agree on a set of basic facts, which makes ne
John Thompson: Data reveal opportunity gaps along demographic lines
by mike simpson / 3d
Data reveal opportunity gaps along demographic lines Data reveal opportunity gaps along demographic lines Opportunity Gap - Overview | Schott Foundation for Public Education - http://schottfoundation.org/node/2744 I n recent years, we have heard plenty of sad news about our home state. We learned in 2016 that life expectancies of poor Oklahomans were basically tied for the lowest in the nation. L
On Demand Food Delivery Services In Gig Economy Disrupt Elk Grove Schools - Elk Grove Tribune
by mike simpson / 3d
On Demand Food Delivery Services In Gig Economy Disrupt Elk Grove Schools - Elk Grove Tribune On Demand Food Delivery Services In Gig Economy Disrupt Elk Grove Schools High School lunches in Elk Grove just might be the latest, albeit unlikely, target of the ‘Gig Economy’. It turns out Millennials aren’t the only ones taking advantage of today’s mobile on-demand food delivery services in a big way
This Company Could Be Your Next Teacher: Coursera Plots A Massive Future For Online Education
by mike simpson / 3d
This Company Could Be Your Next Teacher: Coursera Plots A Massive Future For Online Education This Company Could Be Your Next Teacher: Coursera Plots A Massive Future For Online Education Sitting in a fluorescently lit conference room dressed in a pressed gray work shirt, jeans and gray suede sneakers, Jeff Maggioncalda, the tightly wound 49-year-old CEO of Coursera, doesn’t touch his plate of pl
A Primer for the Public Education Voter in this Fall’s Midterm Election | janresseger
by mike simpson / 3d
A Primer for the Public Education Voter in this Fall’s Midterm Election | janresseger A Primer for the Public Education Voter in this Fall’s Midterm Election The midterm election is only weeks away. The airwaves are filled with attack ads that sensationalize and distort the issues. Even in states where public education has not emerged as a central issue, it ought to be, because K-12 education and
The Standardized Classroom (Part 1) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
by mike simpson / 3d
The Standardized Classroom (Part 1) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice The Standardized Classroom (Part 1) Once upon a time in a nearby land there were one-room schoolhouses. These one-room schools worked well enough for farm families but in towns and cities, they did not. Too many children to school and too few schoolhouses. Also it was too hard for the teacher to get four yea
OCT 16
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Gates Foundation Flounders
by mike simpson / 4d
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Gates Foundation Flounders Gates Foundation Flounders An interesting article from Geek Wire which itself comes from one in Non-Profit Quarterly in August of this year. I loved the NPQ title: Why Smart People (at the Gates Foundation) Can’t Learn An article in the latest World Development Journal finds that staff at the Gates Foundation have trouble making effectiv
DeVos accuses senator of sending 'completely false' tweet - POLITICO
by mike simpson / 4d
DeVos accuses senator of sending 'completely false' tweet - POLITICO DeVos accuses senator of sending 'completely false' tweet Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday lashed out at Sen. Patty Murray on Twitter, accusing her of sending a "completely false" tweet and acting "unbecoming and irresponsible." Sec. @BetsyDeVosED 's wants to weaken student protections so— an unmarried mother may be de
"Policing Our Students" Report Points to New Directions for School Discipline - LA Progressive
by mike simpson / 4d
"Policing Our Students" Report Points to New Directions for School Discipline - LA Progressive “Policing Our Students” Report Points to New Directions for School Discipline s a follow-on research project to its celebrated Million Dollar Hoods project , a research team led by UCLA Professor Kelly-Lytle Hernandez has released its “ Policing-Our-Students ” report, which documents the disparate impac
Miseducation | ProPublica
by mike simpson / 4d
Miseducation | ProPublica Miseducation Is There Racial Inequality at Your School? By Lena V. Groeger , Annie Waldman and David Eads , October 16, 2018 Based on civil rights data released by the U.S. Department of Education, ProPublica has built an interactive database to examine racial disparities in educational opportunities and school discipline. Look up more than 96,000 individual public and c
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s assault on public education could be coming back to bite him - The Washington Post
by mike simpson / 4d
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s assault on public education could be coming back to bite him - The Washington Post Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s assault on public education could be coming back to bite him This was the beginning of a July news story in the Capital Times in Madison, Wis., about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign for a third term as a Republican governor: When Wisconsin Gov. Scot
“Personalized” Learning: Driven By Data, Surveilled By Algorithms – Wrench in the Gears
by mike simpson / 4d
“Personalized” Learning: Driven By Data, Surveilled By Algorithms – Wrench in the Gears “Personalized” Learning: Driven By Data, Surveilled By Algorithms This is the third of ten questions presented as a Trans-Atlantic dialogue between myself and UK blogger Privatising Schools. A condensed version pulling together content of several responses for UK audiences can be read on the Local Schools Netw
ECOT Scandal Simmers Along as Ohio Election Issue this November | janresseger
by mike simpson / 4d
ECOT Scandal Simmers Along as Ohio Election Issue this November | janresseger ECOT Scandal Simmers Along as Ohio Election Issue this November The surprise really ought to be that the 17-year, billion dollar ripoff of tax dollars by the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT) has remained among high profile election issues in this 2018 election season. After all, when USA Today profiled 28 America
Please forward to CA voters ASAP! | Cloaking Inequity
by mike simpson / 4d
Please forward to CA voters ASAP! | Cloaking Inequity PLEASE FORWARD TO CA VOTERS ASAP! I’m posting this for the Tony Thurmond campaign. Please forward to all California voters. The November 6th election is just five weeks away, mail in ballots are coming soon or may have already arrived, and I am asking you to vote for Tony Thurmond for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. This race is im
Want to Make a Difference? Canvass for Local Candidates You Believe In | gadflyonthewallblog
by mike simpson / 4d
Want to Make a Difference? Canvass for Local Candidates You Believe In | gadflyonthewallblog Want to Make a Difference? Canvass for Local Candidates You Believe In Knock! Knock! Knock! I stood there on the porch staring at my own knuckles in disbelief. My 9-year-old daughter was looking up at me with a look like “What did you just do?” But there was no time to say anything. The door was opening.
OCT 15
How are America’s public schools really doing? - The Washington Post
by mike simpson / 5d
How are America’s public schools really doing? - The Washington Post How are America’s public schools really doing? It’s hard to find a public official today who, when talking about public schools, doesn’t talk about what a mess they are. Failing. Some of them are, in fact, failing kids, but are they all? This piece takes a look at the broad question of how public schools are doing, written by Ja
How are charter schools influencing LAUSD labor negotiations? – Daily News
by mike simpson / 5d
How are charter schools influencing LAUSD labor negotiations? – Daily News How are charter schools influencing LAUSD labor negotiations? If teachers go on strike this school year, it would be the first amid a backdrop of a growing charter school movement that has not only drawn students from the Los Angeles Unified School District, but has also taken teachers with them. The last time Los Angeles
Los Angeles teachers are a step closer to a potential strike after mediation with district ends - Los Angeles Times
by mike simpson / 5d
Los Angeles teachers are a step closer to a potential strike after mediation with district ends - Los Angeles Times Los Angeles teachers are a step closer to a potential strike after mediation with district ends The union representing Los Angeles teachers moved one step closer to a possible strike Friday after ending mediation sessions with the L.A. Unified School District. Union officials accuse
Private, charter schools at heart of gubernatorial candidate differences
by mike simpson / 5d
Private, charter schools at heart of gubernatorial candidate differences Private, charter schools at heart of gubernatorial candidate differences Will Illinois’ real education governor please step forward? Although the two major-party candidates in this year’s historically expensive campaign for governor have both pledged to be the “education governor,” Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democratic
League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County Urges “No” Vote on Proposition 1 – Seattle Education
by mike simpson / 5d
League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County Urges “No” Vote on Proposition 1 – Seattle Education LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF SEATTLE-KING COUNTY URGES “NO” VOTE ON PROPOSITION 1 From the League of Women Voters of King County October Newsletter The Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County unanimously voted to oppose Seattle Proposition 1, the Families, Education and
Delaware Charter School News: As School Closes Abruptly for Low Enrollment, State Receives Fed Grant to Expand | deutsch29
by mike simpson / 5d
Delaware Charter School News: As School Closes Abruptly for Low Enrollment, State Receives Fed Grant to Expand | deutsch29 Delaware Charter School News: As School Closes Abruptly for Low Enrollment, State Receives Fed Grant to Expand In examining the two most recent charter school stories on Delaware Public Media (“Delaware’s Source for NPR News”), I was taken with the irony of charter school rea
OCT 14
How Pissed-Off Parents and Teachers Could Expel Scott Walker From Office – Mother Jones
by mike simpson / 6d
How Pissed-Off Parents and Teachers Could Expel Scott Walker From Office – Mother Jones How Pissed-Off Parents and Teachers Could Expel Scott Walker From Office He slashed education funding. Now Wisconsin’s governor is in the race of his life against the state’s education superintendent. Tom Rulseh was baffled by the email from an angry constituent. Why, the woman demanded to know, had the Three
End K-12 Sex Harassment and Assault #MeTooK12 #MeToo #timesup
by mike simpson / 6d
Fundraiser by Joel Levin : End K-12 sex harassment and assault End K-12 Sex Harassment and Assault #MeTooK12 If there’s one key takeaway from my years of nonprofit work with families, schools, national organizations, and lawmakers, it’s this: there’s an epidemic of sexual harassment and assault in K-12 schools that is preventable, if only schools knew how to address it. I’m raising funds to creat
Talking Across The Pond About Ed Reform 2.0 – Wrench in the Gears
by mike simpson / 6d
Talking Across The Pond About Ed Reform 2.0 – Wrench in the Gears Talking Across The Pond About Ed Reform 2.0 One of the nice things about working in digital spaces is that you’re able to connect with people across distances and find you have a lot in common. You can help one another and learn new things in the process. The blogger at Privatising Schools based in the UK reached out to me with a p
EveryBody vs Trump @EVRYBODYvsTRUMP
by mike simpson / 6d
This Disney heiress is here to tell you exactly what the 1% did with Trump’s tax cuts Spoiler: They didn’t create more jobs and increase salaries This Disney heiress is here to tell you exactly what the 1% did with Trump’s tax cuts Spoiler: They didn’t create more jobs and increase salaries pic.twitter.com/0Vd19Z2CFT — EveryBody vs Trump (@EVRYBODYvsTRUMP) October 11, 2018
Whatever Happened To Service Learning? | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
by mike simpson / 6d
Whatever Happened To Service Learning? | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice Whatever Happened To Service Learning? Fads come and go in education as any teacher or administrator over the age of 30 knows. Service learning, however, was not (and is not) a fad. Defined broadly as K-12 students providing “community service” it has been in public and private schools for over a century.
OCT 13
Devin Nunes’ hometown paper mocks Trump’s ‘laughable’ plan to give him the Medal of Freedom — with a hilarious alternative | BY THE FRESNO BEE EDITORIAL BOARD
by mike simpson / 7d
Trump wants to give Nunes a medal | The Fresno Bee Trump to give Nunes the Medal of Freedom? Better idea: free nights at a Trump hotel BY THE FRESNO BEE EDITORIAL BOARD Buckminster Fuller for architecture. Georgia O’Keeffe and Norman Rockwell for art. Martha Graham for dance. Walt Disney and Samuel Goldwyn for cinema. Maya Angelou for literature. Bruce Springsteen for music. Gen. H. Norman Schwar
Top Posts This Week 10/13/18
by mike simpson / 7d
Top Posts This Week 10/13/18 The real story of New Orleans and its charter schools - The Washington Post Facing the Trilemma of Classroom “Data Walls” | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice CURMUDGUCATION:
NPE Action - Political Endorsements - https://npeaction.org/ on @NPEaction