Thanksgiving Thanks to Teachers We Remember Who Didn't Teach Common Core | Alan Singer
Thanksgiving Thanks to Teachers We Remember Who Didn't Teach Common Core | Alan Singer: Thanksgiving Thanks to Teachers We Remember Who Didn't Teach Common CorePresident Barack Obama remembers his fifth grade teacher, Ms. Mabel Hefty. In 1971, Barack was a "kid with a funny name in a new school, feeling a little out of place, hoping to fit in like anyone else." He recalls how "Ms. H
The Fear Factor – & its antidote | Poetic Justice
The Fear Factor – & its antidote | Poetic Justice: The Fear Factor – & its antidoteThe Fear Factoris so real —-it is like teachers are suffering from anxiety, PTSD, Battered Wife Syndrome, and Stockholm Syndrome all at the same time.And … we can trust no one … not our unions, not our bosses, not our district, not our politicians, not even our friends – our friends do not get it – our famil
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Protests (not 'riots') rock Chicago. Rahm covers his ass. Calls to fire McCarthy, dump Alvarez.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Protests (not 'riots') rock Chicago. Rahm covers his ass. Calls to fire McCarthy, dump Alvarez.: Protests (not 'riots') rock Chicago. Rahm covers his ass. Calls to fire McCarthy, dump Alvarez.Toast, I hope.It's time for Chicago's top-cop and the state's attorney to be gone.Anticipating a wave of protest following release of their surpressed video, the Mayor and Polic
CURMUDGUCATION: PA: Testing Good News & Bad News
CURMUDGUCATION: PA: Testing Good News & Bad News: PA: Testing Good News & Bad NewsThis week the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted to postpone the use of the Keystone Exam (Pennsylvania's version of the Big Standardized Test required by the feds) as a graduation requirement. The plan had been to make the Class of 2017 pass the reading, math and biology exams in order to get a dipl
We are all Paris - Lily's Blackboard
We are all Paris - Lily's Blackboard: We are all ParisI am just back from my first meeting as a new regional vice president of Education International, an organization with the powerful solidarity of almost 400 educational unions and associations in 171 countries that represents more than 32 million educators from preschool to graduate school. They hold their meetings at their headquarters this we
Choosing Democracy: A Teacher and Her Refugee Students
Choosing Democracy: A Teacher and Her Refugee Students: A Teacher and Her Refugee StudentsEvery morning when I get to school, I see students from many countries in the hall. They are dropped off early so they can have a hot breakfast before class. The students speak Farsi, Arabic, Pashto, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog and many more languages. They have fled violence and war, and their most compelli
End of a nightmare? | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
End of a nightmare? | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: End of a nightmare?High-stakes standardized tests are falling out of favor. From President Obama and Congress to School District leaders, we are finally hearing recognition of the unintended consequences of over-testing and overemphasizing test results.Philadelphia schools have lived through 20 years of test-based accountability. At first,
#NCTE16 DRAFT Proposal | the becoming radical
#NCTE16 DRAFT Proposal | the becoming radical: #NCTE16 DRAFT ProposalBuilding on our #NCTE15: G.05 Teaching Beyond the Classroom: Social Media as Teacher Activism and Professionalism and the focus of the 2016 annual convention, Faces of Advocacy, we are forming a roundtable, Confronting Educator Advocacy with Pre-Service and Early Career Teachers.We see a need for addressing the experiences, strug
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Equity vs Equality
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Equity vs Equality: Equity vs EqualityWe keep dipping into this discussion, so let's dive into it.I hear and read people using the words "Equitable" or "Equity" as if they were synonymous with "Equal" and "Equality". I continue to see these words used as if they were interchangeable. They are not synonyms. They are not interc
Schools Are Good for Showing Off, Not for Learning | Psychology Today
Schools Are Good for Showing Off, Not for Learning | Psychology Today: Schools Are Good for Showing Off, Not for LearningHere’s one explanation of the education gap, and why it keeps increasing.Suppose you are a student in a high school or college course and a magic fairy offers you the following choice: (1) You will learn the material in the course well, but will get a low grade (a D). Or (2) yo
The Teacher Shortage Crisis Is Overblown, But Challenges Remain - US News
The Teacher Shortage Crisis Is Overblown, But Challenges Remain - US News: The Teacher Shortage Crisis Is Overblown, But Challenges RemainThe teacher shortage facing the nation's public schools reached new heights this year, according to multiple reports this past summer and fall from major media outlets. Officials at the Department of Education have added to that narrative. Outgoing Secretary of
How Washington created some of the worst schools in America - POLITICO
How Washington created some of the worst schools in America - POLITICO: How Washington created some of the worst schools in America'It's just the epitome of broken,' Arne Duncan says. 'Just utterly bankrupt.'It took 50 years for the federal government to admit officially that the education it had promised to provide Indian children was so bad it qualified as abuse. “Grossly inadequate,” wrote the
Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association : SCOTUSblog
Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association : SCOTUSblog: Friedrichs v. California Teachers AssociationDocket No.Op. BelowArgumentOpinionVoteAuthorTerm14-9159th Cir.Jan 11, 2016TBDTBDTBDOT 2015Issue: (1) Whether Abood v. Detroit Board of Education should be overruled and public-sector “agency shop” arrangements invalidated under the First Amendment; and (2) whether it violates the First Amendmen
With A Brooklyn Accent: What It Means to Be "White" In a Rapidly Changing Nation
With A Brooklyn Accent: What It Means to Be "White" In a Rapidly Changing Nation: What It Means to Be "White" In a Rapidly Changing NationBeing "white" was once a central feature of being American. Those who were able to become "white" had the fullest range of political rights and economic opportunities the rapidly expanding nation had to offer. Those who we
Russ on Reading: False Idols: Woodrow Wilson and Hero Worship
Russ on Reading: False Idols: Woodrow Wilson and Hero Worship: False Idols: Woodrow Wilson and Hero WorshipWoodrow Wilson as President at Princeton UniversitySpurred by events in places like Ferguson, Missouri and Charleston, South Carolina, racially charged protests have broken out at college campuses across the United States, most notably at the University of Missouri, where the involvement of t
Cuomo, in Shift, Is Said to Back Reducing Test Scores’ Role in Teacher Reviews - The New York Times
Cuomo, in Shift, Is Said to Back Reducing Test Scores’ Role in Teacher Reviews - The New York Times:Cuomo, in Shift, Is Said to Back Reducing Test Scores’ Role in Teacher ReviewsLess than a year ago, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York proclaimed that the key to transforming the state’s education system was tougher evaluations for teachers, and he pushed through changes that increased the weight of s
CURMUDGUCATION: Has CCSS Affected Instruction
CURMUDGUCATION: Has CCSS Affected Instruction: Has CCSS Affected InstructionBrookings, an outfit that is usually a reliable provider of pro-reform clue-free baloney, offers an interesting question from non-resident senior fellow Tom Loveless: Has Common Core influenced instruction?It's a worthy question. We've talked a lot about how CCSS has affected policy and evaluation and assessment, but has i
If Thankful for Teachers, Return Trust to Them
If Thankful for Teachers, Return Trust to Them: If Thankful for Teachers, Return Trust to ThemHow much trust do parents place in their child’s teacher? Maybe more than you think.The BATS were celebrating Thanksgiving this week with Thank You tweets about teachers and other school personnel. As a nation, I hope we can return to the time when we trusted teachers to be the good and decent professiona
An Open Letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo | Jamaal A. Bowman
An Open Letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo | Jamaal A. Bowman: An Open Letter to New York State Governor Andrew CuomoAn Open Letter to New York State Governor Andrew CuomoDear Governor Cuomo:I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health and good spirits. I write not only to you, but also to those who share your view of public education.I want to start by thanking you for
Learning to Respect Other Points of View - Bridging Differences - Education Week
Learning to Respect Other Points of View - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Learning to Respect Other Points of ViewDeborah Meier continues her conversation with Harry Boyte. To read their full exchange, please visit here.Dear Harry and friends,This is good practice for us both precisely because we agree on so much and yet use language in ways that sometimes obscure the agreement. Sometimes
Public Good or Private Gain – the story behind the Corporate Education Reform Industry’s Data Mining Effort - Wait What?
Public Good or Private Gain – the story behind the Corporate Education Reform Industry’s Data Mining Effort - Wait What?:Public Good or Private Gain – the story behind the Corporate Education Reform Industry’s Data Mining Effort[A long but extremely important read]While most of the attention surrounding the Corporate Education Reform Industry has been on the implementation of the Common Core, the
Congress Prepares to Replace 'No Child Left Behind' - The Atlantic
Congress Prepares to Replace 'No Child Left Behind' - The Atlantic: Congress Prepares to Launch a New Era in Education PolicyA bipartisan agreement to replace George W. Bush’s signature No Child Left Behind law could pass next month.In the next few weeks, a bipartisan majority in Congress is likely to pass a law that, in various ways, repudiates the education legacies of both the Bush and Obama pr
Stay Union, Stay Strong: N.J. State AFL-CIO Calls for Solidarity in Face of Friedrich’s U.S. Supreme Court Case
Stay Union, Stay Strong: N.J. State AFL-CIO Calls for Solidarity in Face of Friedrich’s U.S. Supreme Court Case: Stay Union, Stay Strong: N.J. State AFL-CIO Calls for Solidarity in Face of Friedrich’s U.S. Supreme Court CaseStrong unions empower working people to fight for justice, fairness, dignity and respect. No matter the challenges that we face, your solidarity will ensure a strong and enduri
Labor Voices: Online charter schools pose problems
Labor Voices: Online charter schools pose problems: Labor Voices: Online charter schools pose problemsThere is more evidence that for-profit charter schools are part of the problem, not the solution. This time, the focus is on “cyber” or online charter schools.In “The National Study of Online Charter Schools,” Stanford University found students attending cyber charter schools lagged behind student
Segregation and Desegregation, TUSD Schools and Tucson Charter Schools | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch | Tucson Weekly
Segregation and Desegregation, TUSD Schools and Tucson Charter Schools | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch | Tucson Weekly: Segregation and Desegregation, TUSD Schools and Tucson Charter SchoolsSegregation and desegregation in Tucson schools has become such a hot topic recently, I decided to do a little research to see how the ethnic and racial numbers break down in TUSD schools. As I
Massachusetts' Abandoning Common Core Test Signifies National Shift Against Education Standards | Sunshine State News | Florida Political News
Massachusetts' Abandoning Common Core Test Signifies National Shift Against Education Standards | Sunshine State News | Florida Political News:Massachusetts' Abandoning Common Core Test Signifies National Shift Against Education Standards Massachusetts, the state widely lauded as the leader in national education, is backing away from the controversial Common Core State Standards by dumping an asse
How the Gates Foundation Reflects the Good and the Bad of “Hacker Philanthropy”
How the Gates Foundation Reflects the Good and the Bad of “Hacker Philanthropy”: HOW THE GATES FOUNDATION REFLECTS THE GOOD AND THE BAD OF “HACKER PHILANTHROPY”IT’S ELECTION SEASON, and teams of journalists are avidly tracking the flow of big money into political campaigns. Sifting financial records and filings, they are laying bare the activities of Super PACs, 501(c)(4)s, and campaign committees
La. Gov.-Elect John Bel Edwards on Charters and Vouchers | deutsch29
La. Gov.-Elect John Bel Edwards on Charters and Vouchers | deutsch29: La. Gov.-Elect John Bel Edwards on Charters and VouchersOn November 23, 2015, Louisiana Governor-Elect John Bel Edwards offered his first public address since being elected two days prior, on November 21, 2015.Edwards spoke at the Louisiana Federation of Teachers (LFT) convention in Lake Charles. Below is the video of Edwards’ s
The charter school crowd now wants to hold McCleary hostage | Seattle Education
The charter school crowd now wants to hold McCleary hostage | Seattle Education: The charter school crowd now wants to hold McCleary hostageSo, because the charter school operators opened charter schools before a judgement came down from the Supreme Court and they refuse to allow public oversight of their charter chains although they would be using millions of taxpayer dollars as they see fit, the
John White’s Employment Contract | deutsch29
John White’s Employment Contract | deutsch29: John White’s Employment ContractJohn White was employed as Louisiana state superintendent by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) board elected in 2011 and serving from January 2012 to December 2015.The 2012-15 BESE board was White’s employer and could only offer White a contract that lasted as long as the 2012-15 BESE board
I'm Not Racist, But My Kid's Not Going There [On Segregation] | The Jose Vilson
I'm Not Racist, But My Kid's Not Going There [On Segregation] | The Jose Vilson: I’m Not Racist, But My Kid’s Not Going There [On Segregation]It starts the same.“I heard what you’re saying about integration and everything, and I agree with you in general …”“Yes?”“And I hear you on fighting for all schools and not just mine …”“Mmmhmmm.”“And I’m not racist, but I don’t want to take my kids out of a
Career and technical education must be integrated with academic coursework | EdSource
Career and technical education must be integrated with academic coursework | EdSource: Career and technical education must be integrated with academic courseworkYoung people growing up in California will face stiff competition for jobs when they enter the workforce. Lasting success in the rapidly changing world of work requires ever increasing levels of proficiency with technical knowledge and ski
Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Fight is On for McCleary (using blackmail for leverage)
Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Fight is On for McCleary (using blackmail for leverage): The Fight is On for McCleary (using blackmail for leverage)Over at Representative Chad Magendanz' Facebook page, there's quite the discussion over fulfilling McCleary and also what to do about charter schools. He has much to say on both topics. He starts with this:Our bipartisan group working on the char
Susan DuFresne: Humanity Stripped from a Whole-Child System | ECE PolicyWorks
Susan DuFresne: Humanity Stripped from a Whole-Child System | ECE PolicyWorks: SUSAN DUFRESNE: HUMANITY STRIPPED FROM A WHOLE-CHILD SYSTEMLast summer, I reviewed Learning Together, a book that links Vygotsky’s theory of social constructivism with the vision of the Framers’ vision for American democracy. Here’s the thesis:By developing habits of mind and heart that enable children to construct kno
National Academic Standards – Turning Public Education into McSchools | gadflyonthewallblog
National Academic Standards – Turning Public Education into McSchools | gadflyonthewallblog: National Academic Standards – Turning Public Education into McSchools
America is obsessed with standardization.Let’s make everything the same – neat and uniform.It’s ironic coming from a country that’s always been so proud of its rugged individualism.But look almost anywhere in the US of A, and you’ll see
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 11/24/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMSeattle Schools Community Forum: Teacher/Substitute Shortage a Strain in Washington StateSeattle Schools Community Forum: Teacher/Substitute Shortage a Strain in Washington State: "Teacher/Substitute Shortage a Strain in Washington StateOSPI has released their survey and its subsequent findings about teacher shortages in Washington State.The surveyThe findings.From the surv