How are America’s public schools really doing?
It’s hard to find a public official today who, when talking about public schools, doesn’t talk about what a mess they are. Failing.
Some of them are, in fact, failing kids, but are they all?

This piece takes a look at the broad question of how public schools are doing, written by Jack Schneider, an assistant professor of education at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and the author of “Beyond Test Scores: A Better Way to Measure School Quality.” He co-hosts the education policy podcast “Have You Heard” and is at work on a book about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and the broader push to dismantle public education. Follow him on Twitter @Edu_Historian
[‘A Nation at Risk’ demanded education reform 35 years ago. Here’s how it’s been bungled ever since.]
By Jack Schneider
How are America’s public schools doing? The question is a fundamental component of any contemporary education policy discussion. Yet it is also notoriously difficult to answer. With nearly 100,000 schools spread across roughly 13,000 districts, the scale of the enterprise is beyond what any set of individuals can see and experience. Continue reading: How are America’s public schools really doing? - The Washington Post