Top Posts This Week 10/6/18
Posts This Week 10/6/18
Lift Us Up: Meet the Activists on the Front Lines of the Battle for Educational Justice in America | Schott Foundation for Public Education
by mike simpson / 35min
Lift Us Up: Meet the Activists on the Front Lines of the Battle for Educational Justice in America | Schott Foundation for Public Education Lift Us Up: Meet the Activists on the Front Lines of the Battle for Educational Justice in America Democracy Now! recently looked at the criminalization of Black and brown students that has led to what is known as the school-to-prison pipeline. They spoke wit
Ballot measures that can make or break public education this November - Education Votes
by mike simpson / 41min
Ballot measures that can make or break public education this November - Education Votes Ballot measures that can make or break public education this November As voters head to the polls on Nov. 6, educators in Florida are going to be particularly eager to bring the Rick Scott era to a close. As governor, Scott kept the state’s education funding to crippling lows and never came across a school pri
Fraud can scuttle nonprofits, but the bigger and older ones fare better | Salon.com
by mike simpson / 1h
Fraud can scuttle nonprofits, but the bigger and older ones fare better | Salon.com Fraud can scuttle nonprofits, but the bigger and older ones fare better Fraud has organizational consequences and can doom an NPO A fter a director of the Fairmont-Marion County Food Pantry embezzled more than US$50,000 , it had to close for two months in 2009 — leaving 1,200 West Virginians who depended on it in
Editorial Advocates Destroy Public Education Operative to Lead California’s Schools | tultican
by mike simpson / 2h
Editorial Advocates Destroy Public Education Operative to Lead California’s Schools | tultican Editorial Advocates Destroy Public Education Operative to Lead California’s Schools A recent editorial in the San Diego Union called for electing a former banker and charter school chief as Secretary of Public Instruction (SPI). Following a familiar destroy public education (DPE) script; the editor crea
Betsy DeVos Visits 2 New Orleans Charters Preferred by NOLA’s White Population | deutsch29
by mike simpson / 2h
Betsy DeVos Visits 2 New Orleans Charters Preferred by NOLA’s White Population | deutsch29 Betsy DeVos Visits 2 New Orleans Charters Preferred by NOLA’s White Population When it comes to almost-all-charter New Orleans, if a school has a notable white population, it also tends to have a higher school grade. I wrote about this reality in this July 22, 2018, post , in which I include the following c
How is today's political culture affecting the way women are treated at home and school? #MeTooK12 #MeToo #TimesUp #Kavanaugh #KavanaughVote
by mike simpson / 21h
Session with Joel Levin - Quora How is today's political culture affecting the way women are treated at home and school? #MeTooK12 @ ssaisorg stopsexualassaultinschools.org A place to share knowledge and better understand the world. How is today's political culture affecting the way women are treated at home and school? Joel Levin , Co-founder/Program Director, Stop Sexual Assault in Schools Answ
Teacher Strike Wave: By the Numbers | Labor Notes
by mike simpson / 23h
Teacher Strike Wave: By the Numbers | Labor Notes Teacher Strike Wave: By the Numbers Five percent of all U.S. workers in K-12 public education walked out on strike this spring. It’s by far the biggest spike in teacher strikes in a quarter-century. The strike wave this spring was by far the biggest spike in teacher strikes in a quarter-century. The strikers included educators from North Carolina
The truth about money in public education politics
by mike simpson / 1d
Opinion: The truth about money in public education politics The truth about money in public education politics Thurmond will fight back against the billionaires and their pro-charter school industry agenda There is a little watched election that is projected to be the most expensive race in California this fall. More money will be spent on the race for California State Superintendent of Public In
It didn't start with Trump: how America came to undervalue teachers | Education | The Guardian
by mike simpson / 1d
It didn't start with Trump: how America came to undervalue teachers | Education | The Guardian It didn't start with Trump: how America came to undervalue teachers The 1983 report, A Nation at Risk, spoke of a school system in ‘the grip of a crisis’ – kicking off cycles of shortcomings for American schools ‘ My classroom has asbestos and bats’” a message from Betsy DeVos t 4.20pm on 26 April 1983,
What to Do to Support Students Who Are Chronically Absent from School? | janresseger
by mike simpson / 1d
What to Do to Support Students Who Are Chronically Absent from School? | janresseger What to Do to Support Students Who Are Chronically Absent from School? Two new reports—from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) and from Attendance Works —explore chronic student absenteeism and its consequences for student achievement and graduation. Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, states must begin report
Mike Klonsky's Blog: Why do so many rapes go unreported? The backlash of white male power.
by mike simpson / 1d
Mike Klonsky's Blog: Why do so many rapes go unreported? The backlash of white male power. Why do so many rapes go unreported? The backlash of white male power. Standing on the White House lawn, President Trump was talking about the Kavanaugh confirmation fight when he said, quote , "it's a very scary time for young men in America." On my way to my Urban School Policy class at Loyola yesterday, I
(Special) Education in Puerto Rico: “Here, All of the Parents are Desperate.” | deutsch29
by mike simpson / 1d
(Special) Education in Puerto Rico: “Here, All of the Parents are Desperate.” | deutsch29 (Special) Education in Puerto Rico: “Here, All of the Parents are Desperate.” In an age in which news is “new” for only a moment, it is easy for the unaffected to quickly move past profound issues that deserve attention on behalf of the neediest individuals in our nation– not just in the contiguous US– not j
OCT 04
Betsy DeVos doesn't know what she doesn't know about education | Eclectablog
by mike simpson / 2d
Betsy DeVos doesn't know what she doesn't know about education | Eclectablog Betsy DeVos doesn’t know what she doesn’t know about education “Parents, by their very nature, should decide what, when, where and how their children learn,” DeVos said . Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is at it again. Currently on her second “Rethink Schools” tour , “DeVos will swing by four states: Georgia, Alabama,
Teachers Union Accuses Supe Of Cozying Up With Charter Groups | Studio City, CA Patch
by mike simpson / 2d
Teachers Union Accuses Supe Of Cozying Up With Charter Groups | Studio City, CA Patch Teachers Union Accuses Supe Of Cozying Up With Charter Groups The LA teachers union released reports claiming the new superintendent spent more time at lavish meals with charter backers than at schools. LOS ANGELES, CA — As state mediation efforts continued Wednesday in hopes of resolving a labor-talk stalemate
Education -- and Betsy DeVos -- are issues in key political races this November - The Washington Post
by mike simpson / 2d
Education -- and Betsy DeVos -- are issues in key political races this November - The Washington Post Education -- and Betsy DeVos -- are issues in key political races this November In Wisconsin, Republican Gov. Scott Walker, in office since 2011, is facing a stiff challenge from Democrat Tony Evers, the state’s superintendent of schools — and education is a key issue. Evers said at a state Democ
Office of Inspector General Again Condemns U.S. Department of Education’s Oversight of Federal Charter School Dollars | janresseger
by mike simpson / 2d
Office of Inspector General Again Condemns U.S. Department of Education’s Oversight of Federal Charter School Dollars | janresseger Office of Inspector General Again Condemns U.S. Department of Education’s Oversight of Federal Charter School Dollars For many good reasons, we are prone to blame Betsy DeVos, our current U.S. Secretary of Education, for weakening regulations in the Department of Edu
Advocates Tell FTC: Facebook is violating children’s privacy law | Parent Coalition for Student Privacy
by mike simpson / 2d
Advocates Tell FTC: Facebook is violating children’s privacy law Complaint says controversial Messenger Kids app doesn’t comply with COPPA | Parent Coalition for Student Privacy ADVOCATES TELL FTC: FACEBOOK IS VIOLATING CHILDREN’S PRIVACY LAW COMPLAINT SAYS CONTROVERSIAL MESSENGER KIDS APP DOESN’T COMPLY WITH COPPA Parent Coalition for Student Privacy signed onto this complaint to the FCC about F
OCT 03
Is the Co-Location of Charters inside Neighborhood Schools a Problem? | Cloaking Inequity
by mike simpson / 2d
Is the Co-Location of Charters inside Neighborhood Schools a Problem? | Cloaking Inequity IS THE CO-LOCATION OF CHARTERS INSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS A PROBLEM? This past summer I had opportunity to visit the Hawkins community schools in Los Angeles . What I haven’t talked about publicly is that I also was also invited to visit Magnolia Science Academy 3 (MSA3) which is co-located at Curtiss Middl
Teachers at 8 of 10 schools Tuck oversaw rejected his leadership - SFChronicle.com
by mike simpson / 2d
Teachers at 8 of 10 schools Tuck oversaw rejected his leadership - SFChronicle.com Teachers at 8 of 10 schools Tuck oversaw rejected his leadership When choosing between Marshall Tuck and Tony Thurmond for California’s next schools chief, it’s worth remembering, “when the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.” Someone whose supporters are Donald Trump advisers is no friend
Florida voucher schools fail, stiff teachers — and get more money to try again - Orlando Sentinel
by mike simpson / 2d
Florida voucher schools fail, stiff teachers — and get more money to try again - Orlando Sentinel Florida voucher schools fail, stiff teachers — and get more money to try again Watch the Video Two years ago, the Beta Preparatory school in Orlando was being run — with your tax dollars — inside a commercial complex on South Orange Blossom Trail, alongside eight bail-bonds businesses and a drug-test
The Easiest Money Bill Ackman Has Made Lately Is In A Bunch Of Charter Schools
by mike simpson / 3d
The Easiest Money Bill Ackman Has Made Lately Is In A Bunch Of Charter Schools The Easiest Money Bill Ackman Has Made Lately Is In A Bunch Of Charter Schools It turns out that Bill Ackman is making good money in the most unexpected of places: financing charter schools for low-income kids. Since 2011, the billionaire hedge fund manager has invested $20 million of his own money in the Turner-Agassi
A One Issue State Election? | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch
by mike simpson / 3d
A One Issue State Election? | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch A One Issue State Election? This is the year to vote education. It's been the number one issue in the state for years. It's on everyone's minds and most candidates' lips. The decision voters make, whether to continue with the Republican-majority status quo or shift more power to Democrats, will be a major factor in decidi
Hundreds of US teacher candidates shake up midterm elections
by mike simpson / 3d
Hundreds of US teacher candidates shake up midterm elections Hundreds of US teacher candidates shake up midterm elections Last September, school speech therapist Kathy Hoffman was settling into the new academic year, working with youngsters in her small classroom behind a playground at Sahuaro Ranch Elementary School in a blue-collar neighborhood outside Phoenix. This year, the political novice i
CURMUDGUCATION: The Opportunity Myth Myth
by mike simpson / 3d
CURMUDGUCATION: The Opportunity Myth Myth The Opportunity Myth Myth When it comes to slick, pretty education "research," the folks at TNTP know their stuff. Reformsters have been milking the slick-but-hollow "Widget Effect" for years, and now TNTP has whipped up another sure-to-be-referenced-way-too-much "report" entitled " The Opportunity Myth. " Who are these folks? TNTP used to stand for The N
Congratulations to re-elected PAA Board members! | Parents Across America
by mike simpson / 3d
Congratulations to re-elected PAA Board members! | Parents Across America Congratulations to re-elected PAA Board members! We are especially happy to have four of our strong, accomplished, dedicated board of directors members back for another term on the PAA Board of Directors! Dora Taylor, Nathan Harris, Steven Norton, and Deb Mayer were recently re-elected to serve two-year terms on our seven m
OCT 02
Peter Greene: The Promises Charter Schools Don't Make
by mike simpson / 3d
The Promises Charter Schools Don't Make The Promises Charter Schools Don't Make Because the term "charter schools" often comes with the word "public" attached, parents can be surprised by some of the ways in which charters do not operate like actual public schools. Here are just a few factors that emptors should caveat when considering a charter school. A Stable School Just this week, word that t
Why Electing Tony Thurmond as Superintendent of Public Instruction Is the Most Important Race in California
by mike simpson / 3d
Why Electing Tony Thurmond as Superintendent of Public Instruction Is the Most Important Race in California Why Electing Tony Thurmond as Superintendent of Public Instruction Is the Most Important Race in California Last week in my column on Andrea Gabor’s After the Education Wars: How Smart Schools Upend the Business of Reform , I outlined how her superb study thoroughly exposes the fact that ov
New AQE Report Shows NY's Record of Underfunding Schools in Black & Latino Communities | Schott Foundation for Public Education
by mike simpson / 4d
New AQE Report Shows NY's Record of Underfunding Schools in Black & Latino Communities | Schott Foundation for Public Education New AQE Report Shows NY's Record of Underfunding Schools in Black & Latino Communities A new report released by the Alliance for Quality Education (AQE) reveals that the inexcusable underfunding of New York's public schools hits districts with Black and Latinx students t
The Reading Wars? Who’s Talking About Reading and Class Size?
by mike simpson / 4d
The Reading Wars? Who’s Talking About Reading and Class Size? The Reading Wars? Who’s Talking About Reading and Class Size? …extensive research in the reading difficulties of children show that large classes are the basic cause of failure in reading as well as in other subjects. ~Professor Arthur I. Gates, nationally known authority in the field of reading instruction. Elementary School Journal;
Ed. Dept. Needs to Do a Better Job of Probing Charter Closures, Report Finds - Politics K-12 - Education Week
by mike simpson / 4d
Ed. Dept. Needs to Do a Better Job of Probing Charter Closures, Report Finds - Politics K-12 - Education Week Ed. Dept. Needs to Do a Better Job of Probing Charter Closures, Report Finds The U.S. Department of Education hasn't done a great job of keeping tabs on states that have closed charter schools, according to a report released Monday by the agency's Office of the Inspector General. The OIG—
Growing Number of Undocumented Adolescents Warehoused in Tents, Denied an Education | janresseger
by mike simpson / 4d
Growing Number of Undocumented Adolescents Warehoused in Tents, Denied an Education | janresseger Growing Number of Undocumented Adolescents Warehoused in Tents, Denied an Education Do you remember the thousands of migrant children detained at the border? It is easy to get distracted these days by crisis after crisis in the federal government and forget about important issues. When I found myself
OCT 01
by mike simpson / 4d
HOW SCHOOLS WORK | Bill Ayers HOW SCHOOLS WORK If you pick up Arne Duncan’s How Schools Work hoping to learn something about, well, unsurprisingly I suppose, about “how schools work,” you’ll be sorely disappointed. There’s no policy prescription here, no substantive analysis whatsoever, and no actual accounts or examples of how schools work. Instead we’re treated to random stories that circulate
Rick Scott can run, but he can't hide from record
by mike simpson / 4d
Rick Scott can run, but he can't hide from record - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFuHbZkwp4M
A Majority of Teens Have Experienced Some Form of Cyberbullying | Pew Research Center
by mike simpson / 5d
A Majority of Teens Have Experienced Some Form of Cyberbullying | Pew Research Center A Majority of Teens Have Experienced Some Form of Cyberbullying 59% of U.S. teens have been bullied or harassed online, and a similar share says it's a major problem for people their age. At the same time, teens mostly think teachers, social media companies and politicians are failing at addressing this issue. N
Class Size Really Really Matters: Police Investigate After Video Of Students Engaged In Sex In New Britain High Classroom Circulates On Social Media - Hartford Courant
by mike simpson / 5d
Police Investigate After Video Of Students Engaged In Sex In New Britain High Classroom Circulates On Social Media - Hartford Courant Police Investigate After Video Of Students Engaged In Sex In New Britain High Classroom Circulates On Social Media N ew Britain police are investigating after video of two students purportedly having sex in a crowded New Britain High School classroom circulated Thu
Tony Thurmond for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction - NPE Action
by mike simpson / 5d
Tony Thurmond for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction - NPE Action Tony Thurmond for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction The Network for Public Education Action proudly endorsed East Bay Assemblyman, Tony Thurmond, for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction. We are writing today to remind you just how important your support for Tony Thurmond is.
A False Crisis Set Education Reform Adrift for 35 Years + We Set Our Course On The Wrong Destination - The Crucial Voice of the People
by mike simpson / 5d
A False Crisis Set Education Reform Adrift for 35 Years - The Crucial Voice of the PeopleThe Crucial Voice of the People A False Crisis Set Education Reform Adrift for 35 Years The false crisis created by politicians pushing a political agenda focused the nation’s attention on the wrong reforms. The political debate that followed the release of A Nation at Risk kept the public from hearing the po
The American Dream Is Harder To Find In Some Neighborhoods : NPR
by mike simpson / 5d
The American Dream Is Harder To Find In Some Neighborhoods : NPR The American Dream Is Harder To Find In Some Neighborhoods Does the neighborhood you grow up in determine how far you move up the economic ladder? A new online data tool being made public Monday finds a strong correlation between where people are raised and their chances of achieving the American dream. Harvard University economist
SEP 30
Detroit Charter School Votes to Close, Gives Students and Parents Two Days Notice | deutsch29
by mike simpson / 6d
Detroit Charter School Votes to Close, Gives Students and Parents Two Days Notice | deutsch29 Detroit Charter School Votes to Close, Gives Students and Parents Two Days Notice Rather than assess its situation and make the decision to close during the summer break, the board of Detroit Delta Preparatory Academy for Social Justice decided to leave its faculty and students in a profound fix by votin
SEP 29
Audit finds steep salaries, misuse of funds at Clayton Valley charter school
by mike simpson / 6d
Clayton Valley charter school audit released by county Audit finds steep salaries, misuse of funds at Clayton Valley charter school CLAYTON — The married top leaders of Clayton Valley Charter High School raked in almost $850,000 in less than two years before leaving the school last spring, a county investigation found. The probe also revealed that the couple misused school funds, hired people in
Top Posts This Week 9/29/18
by mike simpson / 7d
Top Posts This Week 9/29/18 Thirteen Things I learned While Blogging for Education Week - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher No Thank You to Naviance – Seattle Education Poverty vs Test Scores: Ranking all Ohio