
Forgive me #edutwitter, for I have sinned. It’s been two weeks since my last post, but months since anything, you know… good.
Where should I start? I teach history so I’m partial to chronologically, but—
Maybe it’s best if I just dive in with the worst of it, then move through the list from there.
First, I assign a lot of videos in my AP World History class. My AP U.S. History class, too – but not as many as for World. “Required Viewing,” I call it, to go with each week’s “Required Reading.” Crash Course, Hip Hughes, Ted-Ed, Overly Sarcastic (not to be confused with OverSimplified, which in turn is quite different than Simple History).
I think I even used It’s History! once or twice, when it really fit.
It’s just… well, our textbook isn’t very good. It’s poorly organized and at times downright bewildering. My kids get frustrated with it – and not in the usual “but this is hard!” way. It has some good sections, but… well, it’s mediocre at best for most things.
There are articles and supplemental readings I use, but when you can have animation and key points on the screen and entertaining personalities… Plus, we went one-to- Continue reading: Edu-Confessional | Blue Cereal Education