Schools Matter: National Journal's Rose Colored Reporting on Texas CREDO Study
Schools Matter: National Journal's Rose Colored Reporting on Texas CREDO Study: National Journal's Rose Colored Reporting on Texas CREDO StudyWhen the mainstream Washington media finds news on low test scores among public schools, they love to accentuate the negative and to ignore the positive. On the other hand, when new research about charter schools that can't be ignored comes to the corporate
(What’s So Special ‘Bout) Rigor, Grit and Standardized Testing? | WagTheDog
(What’s So Special ‘Bout) Rigor, Grit and Standardized Testing? | WagTheDog: (What’s So Special ‘Bout) Rigor, Grit and Standardized Testing?In his 1979 song, “(What’s So Funny “Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding?” Elvis Costello wonders;So where are the strong And who are the trusted? And where is the harmony? Sweet harmony.‘Cause each time I feel it slippin’ away, just makes me wanna cry. What’s
Sixth Anniversary of This Blog | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Sixth Anniversary of This Blog | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Sixth Anniversary of This BlogDear Readers,This post marks my sixth anniversary as a blogger. I want to thank those readers who regularly read my twice-weekly posts, those who have dipped into them occasionally, those who have subscribed to the post, and finally those who have taken the time to write thoughtful c
New guidelines for AP history: Are they still 'unpatriotic'? - Yahoo News
New guidelines for AP history: Are they still 'unpatriotic'? - Yahoo News: New guidelines for AP history: Are they still 'unpatriotic'?Some conservatives argued that last year's guidelines for AP US history courses in high school were unpatriotic. The new guidelines make an effort to be 'unpolitical.'In the wake of a partisan uproar last year, the 2015 guidelines for the Advanced Placement United
Georgia schools investigation: Too many kids are getting sent to special schools.
Georgia schools investigation: Too many kids are getting sent to special schools.: Georgia Sends Kids With Disabilities and Behavior Problems to Special Schools. That’s Segregation.After a psychiatric evaluation and years of reported issues, Clarence, the lovable problem child in Tracy Kidder’s Among Schoolchildren, gets shipped off to finish fifth grade in the mysterious and ominously named “alph
Ed Next: If Feds Allow Opt Out, “One Cannot Assess School Performance” | deutsch29
Ed Next: If Feds Allow Opt Out, “One Cannot Assess School Performance” | deutsch29: Ed Next: If Feds Allow Opt Out, “One Cannot Assess School Performance”On July 28, 2015, Education Next editor-in-chief Paul Peterson and executive editor Martin West published an article entitled, “Public Supports Testing, Opposes Opt Out, Opposes Federal Intervention.”In their article, Peterson and West discuss th
for the love of learning: Outcome vs. Process: Different Incarnations of Personalization
for the love of learning: Outcome vs. Process: Different Incarnations of Personalization: Outcome vs. Process: Different Incarnations of PersonalizationThis was written by Yong Zhao who is the author writes and speaks about education reform. He blogs here and tweets here. This post was found here.by Yong ZhaoThere are different views of personalized learning. My advocacy for personalization has be
The Argument For Adding Consent To The Sex-Ed Curriculum
The Argument For Adding Consent To The Sex-Ed Curriculum: The Argument For Adding Consent To The Sex-Ed CurriculumAmerican Federation Of Teachers president says consent is "as important as anything else" in conversations about sex.In an age when young people remain divided over what really constitutes consent, one in four college women will report a rape or attempted rape in their lifeti
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 7/31/15
SPECIAL NITE CAP CORPORATE ED REFORM4LAKids - ELI’S COMIN’ …better hide your heart girl4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: ELI’S COMIN’ …better hide your heart girl:ELI’S COMIN’ …better hide your heart girlMESSAGE DATED JULY 8 RECEIVED BY CORTINES VAPA HIGH SCHOOL/CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL #9 PARENTS ON JULY 31ST…and where’s Dr. Vladovic on the letterhead?Eli’s Comin’ meanings: from Urban Dict