Failing Public School Infrastructure Makes Way for Microenvironments

...the nation continues to underinvest in school facilities, leaving an estimated $38 billion annual gap.
~2017 Infrastructure Report on Schools by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Classrooms or microenvironments?
For years, the condition of public school facilities has received D ratings from the American Society of Civil Engineers. They claim the gap in funding school facilities is one of the worst infrastructure areas.
Schools require more funding than airports, dams, rail and levees combined to get back to “good” condition, the engineers estimated.
Perhaps as a parent you are currently watching your school district struggle to find funding for new school buildings, or remodeling. Maybe you’re a teacher struggling to teach your students in a classroom that is inadequate.
Why has this country not kept up with facility funding throughout the years?
A recent opinion piece published by Education Week about facilities promotes microenvironments, a new buzz word that means more technology.
“School Infrastructure Is in Big Trouble. Building New Schools Isn’t the Answer” is written by Bill Latham. Latham is saying we should not focus on building Continue reading: Failing Public School Infrastructure Makes Way for Microenvironments